2020 Decoded: By The Numbers

13 min readJan 18, 2020


Happy New Year and here’s to a Happy New Decade!

Welcome to the future in what will be an incredible year on the pathway, soon and much further ahead. On ending 2019, we finished more than a year and a decade, but vibrationally we completed the closest and perhaps last vibrationally strong resonance with the 20th century, contrary to belief. As such, 2020 energy-wise for the highly attuned will feel much like the forceful tidal wave of energy that arose in 2000. That is because of the vibrational match of the numbers most. All numbers create distinct vibrations that we live in all the time!

Nothing will be the same, look around and look ahead. The past is crumbling, making inroads to another future, far less familiar for those born last century or those before. The vibrations are and will be even higher as the days, months, years, and decades grow!

2020 is a 22/4 year. It already is and will be the entire year through the 365 days that emanate with both energies. Neither one is more powerful or more meaningful to our everyday lives. However, the energy of both will greatly filter the personal, the communal and the global. New doors will open, major shifts of power will happen as the universe shows us all profound transformation, where and how best to move through life’s crossroads, depth and enduring intensity, the necessary activation of hardwork, along with the very real possibility of significant rise in deaths on the planet, often from core issues left unattended.

We in truth will move through three concentrated energies during this year of 2020 and for the next 9 years amid this new decade of stepping into a new realm of thy self in and of the world. These three numeric energies are/will be 22 and 4, but also 0 energy; far from nothing and valueless. 0 has immense vibrational power that we are and will greatly confront through the double, thus two zeros which therefore guarantees higher amplified living where we come to our full selves after rounds of learning and changes.

22 brings forth key themes of truth, legacy, humanitarianism, self-mastery, foundations, and supreme awakenings.

Innovativation, industriousness, creativity, intensity, the bottom line, and being ever always on a mission to transform many will be the increasing center point for some. 22 is the most powerful, the combined vibration learning of all the pathways while also giving absolute great tests and obstacles. The path is about the ultimate surrendering of self and through it, many can and will master build — themselves and the world — establishing foundations for future legacies. The vibrational energy of 22 is comprised of profound peaks and valleys where through it emotional and psychic intelligence can be harnessed on levels unseen in many others. 22s likewise emanate double vibrations of the moon lending far greater insight and deep intuition, higher empathic abilities, dynamic brilliance, and most of all the browed mind that goes on further and above all others in pursuit of and the transmission of knowledge.

Numerologically, 4 is about hardwork, surrender, crossroads, finding the apex of one’s life and or larger evolution of society. Many will have to work hard as the world changes and foundations are disrupted in unexpected ways both seen and unseen. Four energy will enable awakening that leads to forward movement, moving through cycles of change that perhaps persisted, managing our emotions through sometimes challenging and heart moving times on the path, while also walking through the transformational fire to activate divine creativity in new ways that can and will open new doors. In a four-year death increases more than many would dare imagine and/or belief. Throughout this entire decade, minds and hearts will be forced into greater alignment through the obstacles and unexpected contours that will no doubt emerge.

0 represents the divine center, the seeing eying between worlds, looking into the divine mirror of one’s self through self and most especially others. Wherever there are zeros there are great circles and cycles of learning. For some, they will come off the karmic wheel while others will take them deeper in the self-learning on the way forward. Zero is the wheel, the unbreakable, the coming full circle in oneself to step into a higher way of being.

Wherever/whenever we see 20 it is an invitation to see, show, and explore living through your multi-talents and to learn yourself and most in tandem with the worlds of others. The mind will be highly intelligent with brilliant ideas and innovations seemingly arising out of nowhere. That is because the vibrational energy is far more powerful this decade and with 20 than ever experienced before, however, balance will be a relentless necessity in how we deal with others or emotional spillage can and will enormously influence daily living. We are likewise invited to manage the moods and the high emotions, to be and stay strategic on the path, guard against over-thinking, worrying, or bottling in our emotions without great consequence. Debates and confrontations will be undeniably high, even higher than ever before because of two 20s — 2020. The greatest forays will be through the cycles of self-learning we are already gaining that through it we will confront life experiences that show the mirror towards our best and highest self.

1st month: January 2020

1+2+0+2+0= 5 energy month

January, the first month, and the greatest one about self and forward movement will invite and see massive changes within the personal life and on the global scale. In a 22/4 year within this month above all you can expect the unexpected because the dominant energy framing the month learning along with 1 is the number 5. 2+0+2+0+1 = 5. Be open to the myriad of choices made and that are perhaps necessary towards experiencing tangible freedom that can comes most through changes. Such shifts can and will lead to great awakening of self, your future, survival, and learning from the wheels of change of the past that no longer serves the way forward. Along with choice comes indecision, so guard against operating in haste or enable co-dependency relying on others to serve as your compass. AS the central point of this month is to find your center, your grounding, and base of full alignment. Without it, we can and will bend, break, and fall. Stand tall in your purpose of newness even if it means alone in one’s originality. Be fearless in navigating with organization that can lead to your success, and be intentional about making the right choices amid the forks that shall arise on the road leading you to your greatest/highest self. Within this month, some may see a drastic increase of recognition for past work done as a 1 month is about the self, unique, originality. Things will move quickly at a pace that some will have to measure and others may move in between multiple projects, ideas, and or circles. See your way forward to your dreams with proper planning and implementation.

2nd Month: February 2020

2+2+0+2+0= 6 energy month

After a month where the self can stand tall on the path in the living, loving and learning, February brings the two energy into our lives where partnership, connection, and cooperation with others will take on greater meaning. Through this, additionally, the mind and words spoken will really matter so think before you speak because this month Karma is and will be knocking hard on some doors relative to things said and or done in the past. This month opens to new lessons with core 6 numeric energy. 2+0+2+0+2=6 This opens to new lessons while others can finally catch a better break towards their own destiny with far less challenges and obstacles that may try to hinder the forward movement. This month the body, mind, and spirit will matter, so make special time for self-care, yoga, meditation, massages, anything to allow the bridge of the mind and the heart in full connection to guard against taking on the drama of the planet. May will find a new realm of power, some more internal tapping the inner core, while others more external and how we open and give to the worlds around us. The mind and emotions can run high this month so make time to destress more than usual if/when you can.

3rd Month: March 2020

3+2+0+2+0= 7 energy month

This is the month of creativity, feelings, emotions, and multitudes. This month will also prove to be a monumental awakener that kicks off earlier in the year for you and a great far more many of us. Some will, therefore, withdraw all over again making time for the intensity of projects, family needs, research, and writing. This will be the month of mass awakening, the unusual, the past life hook/connected that proves to be far more sacred than ever before. Some can and will have psychic/paranormal experiences while others will move fast being sometimes hard to pin down within structure. Be open and be ready for more because this month a new global stage is and will be established that will show us all another side of self through cycles of learning. The divine center shall emerge making more clear the ability to see the way forward more concretely.

4th Month: April 2020

4+2+0+2+0= 8 energy month

This month the core foundation will come back into central view. Some will have to work harder all over again to allow the wheels to continue moving forward. The home, family, roots, going deep within will matter. Surrender, reactivating faith/spiritual center will happen this month. Through it webs, connections, and groups will happen and matter. You and we all can and will see power and its varied meanings. As such, balance in the personal life and the global world will matter as fire can erupt, people and emotions can get tied up.

5th Month: May 2020

5+2+0+2+0= 9 energy month

This month change will be central on the living menu. They can and will be unexpected and perhaps even abrupt. Through it, we must navigate the how and why which will show the necessary endings that can, will, and must happen. This month completions will happen, some will take greater reflection on the inventory of our lives and our future imagined. Losses, letting ago, detaching will happen. Always expect the unexpected but with a 9 energy more prominent this month, the endings will be permanent and undeniably pronounced. Let go of the people, the things that no longer empower the path and you most of all. We all can count on the fact that change is and will always happen in the 5th month.

6th month: June 2020

6+2+0+2+0= 10/1 energy month

This month the self will take on central meaning again as some step into the destined part of their path as this month an entirely new stage has and will emerge that can make wider connection and or appeal with groups, multitudes, a great many. Be open and be ready because work done in the past can lift some into new opportunities, new careers, new homes, and new ways of being. Getting and staying grounded will matter as you and we all look through the cosmic mirror and navigate the cycles and circles of learning the continue to move us forward in this high vibrational year. Some will stand alone in their uniqueness giving to and therefore transforming the world around them.

7th Month: July 2020

7+2+0+2+0= 11/2 energy month

This month absolute great awakenings will happen. Through it, bridges will and can be formed in partnership and cooperation with others. Previously unknown, hidden secrets of information of great importance can and will take center stage in some personal lives and especially on the global scale. This month we all will begin to walk between what seems parallel worlds discerning the best route forward. Through it, empowerment will happen with the potential to electrify even more in the near future. The mind, the research, and the analysis can plunge deep this month so harness the energy towards your uplift most.

8th Month: August 2020

8+2+0+2+0= 12/3 energy month

This month power will matter as it does every August. However this time around the energy will be far more creative, it will be powerful, it will be past life connected, it will also comprise a bridgepoint where either collectives can mobilize together in alignment or battles can emerge that will be long-lasting. And in a year of the genius mind, we can expect higher levels of innovation and great unexpected with how people use and therefore actively transmit power through the multiverses. Some will get tied up, some will tip over, for some the emotions will come to a breaking point. The unique, the weird, jaw-dropping, and perhaps even fetish like can emerge this month in unexpected ways. Be mindful of the balance, use the webs, connections, and appeal to groups to your highest vibration. This month is deeply about the self and the world which can leading to erratic scattering of feelings and thoughts or all things coming together in perfect union and coordination. In seeing power this month, we must find the point of giving and receiving equally or bear witness to the overuse of power that can influence others and the future.

9th Month: September

9+2+0+2+0= 13/4 energy month

This month of September will be an immersion in letting go, detaching, and activating the higher mind and higher vibrational living. Endings and completions will be greatly pronounced as the full cycle comes to a closer point of ending in prep for new beginnings. We should all expect the unexpected for this month will bring intensity, require hard work, and bear open crossroads of transformation never experienced with such intensity. Creativity will be high, some will be on the go all the time, moving traveling and attempting to fully experience life in all of its evolution. The plunge will be deep and for some roots, connections, family, and also faith will matter more than ever before. Open your heart, mind, and surrender to your greatness this month. Let go of fear and what others think because the past is done and no more.

10th Month: October

1+0+2+0+2+0= 14/5 energy month

This month a new stage is and will be set that will have great influence on the global way forward for many. Crossroads, transformation, shifts, having to be open through the change will become thematic anchors for some and a growing many. Change is and will happen and through it wheels will turn toward the future in ways that will impact the collective, while also showing self a new way of being that can have great appeal on groups. Hardwork, the setting of foundation, and sharing of information will move to higher levels that can take us all forward. Travel, movement, and living will take exciting heights for those willing and able. The future is here and waiting on your activation of the reality you envision most.

11th Month: November

1+1+ 2+0+2+0= 6 energy month

This month massive awakenings will happen and through it, some will walk through new worlds of self, seeing the past, and making important choices on how to find proper grounding, alignment, and a reset on the vibrational core in order to move to higher ground. The changes will be unexpected as we all see karma/destiny play out on high levels. The cycles that play out this month will propel many even further on the path of living and learning. When we let go and give, we can give even more to the world and to be the wheel of change taking us all forward to a much better future. The truth-teller and absolute change bringer shall emerge among us this month and carry the torch of light forward, moving the masses away from the shadowed reality we forced to dwell in. The transformations this month will be remarkable, momentous, and could very well become the key point to great fame and widespread remembrance. Expect the lights to come on bright!

12th Month: December 2020

1+2+2+0+2+0= 7 energy month

This month great awakenings can and will happen. This month like all Decembers will serve as a final bridgepoint where we can chose to align with others or stand-alone and or at war/odds with the world and thus those around us. December is a doorway to more than any other month but it also will bring the unique, eccentric, and the unexpected. The unusual, jaw-dropping, and hard to believe can and does always happen and or things are discovered with an unusual tint during this month. Overall this month can prove to be the apex for some and a great many where all things come together and make greater sense as we end the year and the month steeped in 16/7 energy. As such, some will withdraw even more during the winter months in search of their sacred, and even more to plunge deep taking more serious some time for the inner work, important project, and or relationship. Something of great importance to the mind will take center-stage this month. Through it, some will step into fame unexpectedly, while others will stand on the edge questioning the entire month if they should or should not. The past present and future just short ahead will collide, opening doors of major choice on the pathway forward. Go within to find the best way for you. Be clear and be truthful most with your desires and imagined future.

All in all, this 22/4 year of 2020 will allow us all to make the choice to be the courageous bridge, be the peacemaker, the harmonious balance, and for the willing, to become the givers of supreme knowledge long remembered in the future ahead. We start with massive change and end with unpredecented awakenings. The time is now!

Be the Peace, Be the Love, Be the Light Always



Empowerment Note: —-I decoded the numeric energy for every year from 1900–2099 in my latest book, Numerology 102: Birthdays, Lifepaths, and The Personal Years! Check it out as well as the numeric energy for your birth year and every year forthcoming in and beyond 2020. To know is to be informed!

*All numbers are symbols easily decodable when you know the basics of Numerology 101: Everyday Numbers Decode the Vibration (2018). Prepare for the future of vibrational language, and learn how to decode numbers 0–12.

*All letters are symbols easily decodable when you know the basics of symbology and seeing and therefore reading the letters in your name and your life as vibrational symbols that can show you to your core self! To understand your soul contract more deeply, learn how to decode your greatest vibrational gift, your name. Symbology 101: Everyday Letters, Decode the Vibration (2019)




Written by TheCosmicDoc

Black Female Psychic Spirit Medium, Astrologer, Empath, Reiki Master, Author of Books Numerology101; Numerology102; Symbology101; email: thecosmicdoc@gmail.com

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