All the Psychics, Mediums, Empaths & Shamans are Not White: Many More Are Invisible Yet Multidimensional!
Some will say when you awaken to higher consciousness that you don’t see race, but the mere mention of race or the ongoing queries for tangible racial diversity in new age circles, organizations, leadership, retreats, and or healing events can often pose a threat for those unaware. The demands for equal racial diversity and visibility of much more from the rainbow of awakening, new age retreats, sound healings, and conscious tribe gatherings is even more appalling given the lack of awareness to invite, partner with, believe or honor the universal knowledge of racial or cultural others as well as appreciate everyone as walking aspects of God and gurus with oceans of knowledge. We all come from many diverse and mulitigifted guides and masters in far more forms … yet, where are the women of color, and black women especially?
Race is down right invisible in “the new age” and after 10 years close watch its routinely among the enlightened and often young souls, precious awakening beings with far little memory on how best to build collectively for the future with racial sensitivity instead if basing festivals, gathetings, and leaders solely on old friends of the same color! — — if merely because the racial disconnect and separation, while best loved, prayed, and hugged off — thus quieted and shut down. It openly denies the current racial reality while holding to the belief that love is in the farther future.
But when is this coming?
And how long does and will the world choose to belief in an archetype of awakening that privileges some and mamy over others and in turn deny, shame, and cast as unpowerful over and over many others racially unseen anywhere on it offline owing to decades of assumptions and spiritual and supernatural exclusions.
I know because I asked once at a meditation, about why after months of observation, attending, and of course paying, that there was no targeted recruitment of black people to begin to diversify the audience at least, and I got a simple laugh, shrug, and response reaffirming it as the last word on the subject, “I figured black people just did their church thing and were uninterested in this all…”
Yet some of the ones rarely seen on tv, that don’t match the clairvoyant, psychic medium(s) shows, series and movies solely with super white women and white men, it overshadows casting of psychics, oracles, mediums of color who are also super multidimensional, actively living and yet visually unseen and unexpected….
The future of many healers and masters as the world will show most profoundly that 20th century age old attempts at racial hierarchy and employing steady powers of denying others spiritual gifts or presence cannot ever and will not EVER be anywhere apart of the cosmic future of divine action.
Leading by false illusions of love and oneness based on the beliefs and communal practices that suggest that only one race serves as the portal, the voice, and ultimate wayshowers to and throughout the universe, to the living, the so called dead, cosmic understandings, and or any dimensions of God must be transmuted and left in the archaic past that it belongs. Anything contrary denies the full rainbow tribe of human existence as one unified divine force that is future worthy, inclusive, and thus incredible. Any thing less , voluntary leaves gifted people of color at nice stories — folklore, entertaining, laughable and unworthy of inclusion or representation.
When you are the “only” one of color in a meditation class, workshop, community tribe, new age festival, or drumming circle — yet never asked if you have any or maybe multiple divine gifts or studied vastly on enlightening subjects just as others gathered; the future will never get bright that way!
Even more, its when you are kindly welcomed to sit in the audience…. And thus passed over for your value, your knowledge, or capability of psychic understandings that show the essence of living more than 1st, 3rd, or even 5th dimensional living. Centuries, cultures, and communal connections evolve, yet in moving past errs of the centuries now gone — humanity will rise most profoundly in the opening of hearts to align with each other not through dominance and exclusion.
So, what of the mediums of color and especially black female mediums?
Looking beyond the fact that the world is still laughing at Miss Cleo…
Contrary to belief, such racialized humor comes at a heavy cost between and across centuries to the true, and living black female psychics, clairvoyants, oracles, and mediums regularly passed over and over and over for the older more seasoned and credible white ones that make psychic work more comfortable and race easy on tv, the radio, and global more?
I called a ghost tour locally in St. Louis (among others nationally unbothered to call back) and yet on this call i was told, in short that they already had a well oiled machine which I lovingly get…. until I dared ask, what about African Americans who come or may want to know the connections to black history within or, dare we ask, for more than the classic plantation ghost tours led solely by white mediums that leave the black past or possibility of any life existence of black past lives — solely in good old slavery.
Oh. how. kind…
When is the last time you met a psychic, clairvoyant, medium of color of any kind?
When is the last time an African American medium and professional historian led a ghost tour of a home, mansion, program, prison, or anywhere beyond just seeing them in a good movie — likely from the 90s….?
When is the last time you saw a female shaman of color publicly visible anywhere, in pop culture or invited to the center stage of your local community to do more than just share the bench in the audience to diversify the crowd?
For that matter when is the last time you saw a tv network, premier channels, and/or online platform series seek out writers deeply familiar and or give primetime to the possibility of a practicing real black female medium, beyond slavery or pirates? In short why are all the tv mediums, oracles, and shamans visually cast thru super powerful white women and men only? What does that do to upgrade us in the 21st century?
Go beyond the now infamous black woman remembered as a wise oracle in the Matrix yet ironically and quite visually reduced in full power to smiles, cookies, and milk always ready in the kitchen for others taking and expansion? Female mediums of color are globally everywhere yet still invisible even in the year 2018!
Therefore stripping away any possibility that Keanu or others could’ve been black and female and powerful beyond some patchwork green tinted kitchen. Let alone that the original narrative was channeled and authored by a black female writer….
To be fair, there was Eve’s Bayou with a black female psychic sought in 20th century New Orleans as well as the infamous movie Ghost with Whoopi Goldberg’s classic and brilliant role as a psychic turning true and fully aware trance medium, but ummmm how longgggg ago was that????
Lest we forget, lest we EVER forget, to leave the narrative and interpretation of the dead and the living racially from one side ensures the denial of the past while ensuring that one race holds full power in telling the story of others lived lives…permanently in life, death, and dimensional control.
May we all see the need for and be fully open through our hearts to diversity in the new age and the future days ahead to share all gifts. So as to ensure the telling of everyone’s stories, lives lived, and messages from the other side.
Spread, Share, and Love ALL — All the time!!
All Love, All Peace, and Divine Light,
**To book a psychic, vibrational medium, destiny reading, healing session, or even just talk to a medium from the realm of super high vibration..