Cosmoscope for 2.10.2019

3 min readFeb 10, 2019


You will matter to others in a profound way today.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Your clarity is growing and so too is the growing awareness of you and your multi-talents. Be unafraid to show who you are, all of your divine self, especially if and when you can open doorways to a greater you and most of all a happier you!

A great power will arise today that leads to a great union in some capacity on the life path. The merging of people, souls, light and darkness, action and reaction, as well as alignment or even discord. The drive for wisdom will be exceptionally strong so use it wisely. Your special significance will become uniquely clear also giving you additional and rather tremendous power and spiritual strength unseen in the days and weeks before. It's important for you to nurture such gifts and to be even more open the awareness of your destiny in direct connection with seekers of wisdom and your stepping to a greater role as an active messenger of Light. Of course, life is never easy as we live and move through cycles of karma, endless change and restlessness, yet the path and axis are shifting to a far better future for you and us all.

As you gain deeper insights and downloads, you may be misunderstood by some as the energy rises. Others already deeply on the awakened path, they may find themselves becoming new found great spiritual leaders after many long years that required and came with tremendous sacrifices — seen and unseen by others. With this vortex also comes energy that you must choose how best to align because as there is light so too do the dark realms also arise. Therefore be on close watch and full guard against tricksters, false illusions. Thankfully, your gift today will bring incredible intuition that requires close study and practice to become proficient. Those who can bring light into their consciousness and thus access divine knowledge can gain accurate solutions to many ongoing problems.

You can find balance with life today and most by making time for self and the self-care. Make time for quiet time, meditation maybe even massage that can allow time and ease to give thought and consideration to spiritual ideas and necessary good business practices to allow you to truly propel. With today about groups more and many, today you may find that others see you as good company, popular and genial, and live entertainment, so use the connection in high vibrational ways that you see best. Through the opening of self to the world, you will also be prompted to stand on your own two feet and you will find the strength of character that helps achievement truly happen.

Your mind will have great potential for deeper thinking and transmitting powerful messages and information. Interest may arise for some in the more serious and philosophical aspects of life within and beyond this planet and the overall cosmic plan. For you, it is very important that you fully realize your “higher calling.” You are here to teach/empower the best way you know how to truly show others the way and the path to true wisdom. The rising gift of psychic and mediumistic powers will be strong in many and through it shifts of the mind will allow some to rightfully take their place as experts, authorities, and master teachers for the world and its knowledge seekers.

Destiny is at hand, time to activate!

Channeled by: TheCosmicDoc




Written by TheCosmicDoc

Black Female Psychic Spirit Medium, Astrologer, Empath, Reiki Master, Author of Books Numerology101; Numerology102; Symbology101; email:

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