Decoding January 2019
The Self Will Matter & Transform!
January, the first month, brings renewal and reflection in, on, and most of the self. Whether we like it or not. The universe and where we are in the global calendar system understood this century, this month is THE first step, beginning of a year long restart.
It is what we do with it that will matter most in the days contained within this and every month of this bizarre 2019 already beginning to unfold.
Of course, for many, the 1st month is understood solely on the day coming in, the party day for many, New Year’s Eve, and that point of celebration. For others, the goals are set into motion going forward with greater discipline toward personal year-long goals that last days, weeks, and sometimes months and even years for the truly hardcore.
Yet within this month we will see a host of other unique vibrations. Foremost to keep in mind is that the way you come into the year shapes the remaining month(s), and the year ahead. So if you were active and working, you very well have propelled an energy that will reflect that same vibration of hardwork and follow through in the remaining days of this year. Many however came in super social, fun, excited, yet also blurry eyed, where the rest of the year they knowingly or not are trying to come out of that haze.
Sure it may have lasted a moment within a night or even a weekend but the start shapes the flow and final outplay, always.
History and the future never lie in that formula of living!
Most dominant of the Jamuary vibrations we will wade rest most on the rocker, the constant moving from side to side, impulsive, indecisive nature that can emerge in our mind, our emotions, our feelings and our humanly everyday ways more. For many diligent in the pursuits, this month they will become more solidified in their mind towards achieving optimal success. The key is to look both ways in the road of life, to walk the higher path, and activate the higher mind. While also to be unafraid in the new that is and has already begun to manifest this month and this year. Being fearless is not easy, yet with it being open to change and the reset of self and the world and boundaries with other we enable, we must go to the heartline and find where the imbalances lie, or else we will implode. The implosion this month can bring potentially chaotic peaks and valleys of our life, anxieties, expectations of others. Be honest but release attachments on outcomes
This month also brings an exorbitant amount of emotions that can rage very high. They do in fact every year January. The point here is to assess how we feel about our self, our place of alignment or even lack thereof, especially as it spills over into our daily life with people, work, and the larger living landscape. This is for a cosmic reason and most so that we can learn better how to manage the emotions, the emotional upheavels, and emotionless times that will evolve over the year and beyond this month. As if that were not enough, anxieties ring highest in the month of January the month of self, and the month of double vibrations that hit at our core of what we know and believe about ourselves — or do not believe.
This month carries the higher mind to deeper levels. The winter cooler days and weeks easily induce the mind to go in further, thus we think even more and some will worry even more during this than other months. The mind goes deep and through it, those able to rechannel the energy, writing and creativity can and take on heightened new levels while the hind leg, the underworld, the deep interior, and even shadowed self can also emerge and grab a hard hold. Whether external and or within our self, this month vibrationally generates a choice of light or dark for the self in cosmically significant ways.
The choice is always yours and every month we are gifted just that; choice. Including at the start of the year, every January we see the roads and options and opportunities in our clear mind and or our awakened mind of higher sight and consciousness. But most important is the path of choice that lies before us and which on ending each month we have no choice but to move through in this realm. So this month you are invited to see and activate the divine rod of self and choices that are the best way for you, how you see and know best.
Even more than many realize, January serves as both a cosmic mirror and the karmic wheel backdrop of our living and learning in this month. Meaning the influx of things done in the past can very well catch up from years before or even moments before. Likewise, our sensitivities are increased this month where some of us will feel far more than other months. Intuition for self and others lives will virtually skyrocket — awake, within dreams, and even amid conversations as unexpected downloads.
The key is to find the bridge to your peace most, even if that requires solitude and time to detach, get some self care, and plunge deeper into your inner core.
The honesty of our needs for peace and clarity will help us to step into the wider realm of our most authentic expression that will take shape this year in unprecedented ways.
2019 as a vibrational year is a 12/3 year. Meaning that it already is and will continue to strongly emanate the vibration of both numbers 12 as well as number 3. The two are not the same but an entangled thread of symbolic coded learning we will gain throughout this year more than we have any other time this century thus far. The vibration will in fact parallels three years from the 20th century that far few will have memory of, but the energy of events can and will match from 1902, 1911, 1920. Its all in the numbers!
All in all, January in 2019 will be an intense crossroads for the world. It will require surrender in new ways and most of all oddities that are jaw-dropping, unbelievable, and yet far-reaching with the larger impact will transpire. This can also mean bizarre actions, even fatal behaviors that prove hard to understand for a very long time. Throughout the month some will stand next to a new form of creativity and self expression unseen before. Others will confront death on the pathway between the dimensions forcing a greater merging of the living and dead. More than anything else, major decisions for us all lie within this month and even more in the months ahead.
Stay true to thyself most amid the winding path of changes that lie before us all this month and this year.
Be youthful, be grateful, be joyful, and be honest with your self in the days ahead! May your place in the vast world become more clear, each and every day of January!
Channeled by: TheCosmicDoc
p.s. — decoded most according to the numbers. Simple as that.
p.s — For a deeper vibrational understanding of numbers 12 or 3, see the only book that decodes the numbers 0–12 for everyday learners: Numerology 101