Everyone Has Needs
And wow, they truly vary across a wide spectrum
For some people, it’s cakes, cookies, pies.
Others its phone, computer, iPad, all the time, no time to stop, stay plugged.
Even more, it's Medium, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Quora, Snapchat, LinkedIn, oh this is exhaustive social media, all those platforms.
Some love love and in a dangerous way, craving it always around them, love love love in so many different forms.
Others greatly yearn to be alone, and then days, weeks, and months go by as they have convinced themselves that they are going out tomorrow to be in the world and for some that tomorrow never comes but only in the mind of their need.
For a great many it is sex and get get get it! All of who you can claim, visualize as some tantric mind-blowing experience from across the globe with, some created person just for you, that you will never meet but in the gimme sex, need sex frame of mind.
Then there are the relentlessly insatiable gamers. They are a world unto their own and themselves. Bless them all, and may the cosmos allow them to see the balance when needed.
Alas, then there are the writers. The aspiring writers, the new writers, the “I am working” writers (but scrolling for hours looking like I am writing on my phone and/or computer), the seasoned writers, and the soon to be published real active writers.
Yea, we are a world unto ourselves
We write when we want, can, and allow.
And it comes at different times, with different motivations, and final outcomes. We have different audiences yet the greatest is each other and the reading world. We hope to be found (whatever that is), we hope to keep writing, and a great some, yes we do hope the writing will inspire change for good.
Andddd we need writing, and all the time.
And if we don’t get it, my my my, bless the world in the meantime. Some of these writer types can get snippy, mean, crabby, offputting, even going through emotionally writing withdrawals that you don’t want to bear witness to or be the frustrating focus for them at all.
Just give them their writing tools, maybe tea/coffee and you will be happier.
Don’t try to tell them to take a day off, to chill, to quit obsessing, that no one will read their work or snicker that they are always writing and nothing else. It can only fuel the rage for some and the smart ones will rechannel it into a story about you that you will likely never read or even know about. You really don’t want that either.
All in all, we all have needs, including you.
Honor it in yourself, honor it in others, and most of all honor those writers the global many ever-present ones, those that you will one day need in the future to give meaning to your present, your futurepast, and legacy.
Be kind to all the writers.
All the writers out there, be kind to yourself and keep writing, especially when others say no!
Written By: TheCosmicDoc