I Started Studying Zodiacs at Age 11
I was fascinated most by looking up my friends.
By the time I got to junior high, I was lucky to find other girlfriends who liked to know what was coming according to the stars just like me. So we would read for ourselves and then call each other asking if the other had read about the other.
One was Aries, I was Taurus, and the other friend she was a Virgo.
We eventually made it our morning call routine and would read from some magazine or newspaper so that we all could be prepared together when we got to school if something did possibly happen; according to the cosmos.
We even read on boyfriends and friends of friends, becoming in our minds fierce detectives on human behavior and what the stars could show us.
What curious minds we had to be so young and present with the ever-changing world as above and so below.
That was also during a time where you could call in to get a horoscope for the day, for a while it was my must to do that drove my mother crazy.
But years later the force of interest grew even more where me and my two best friends whenever we could hang out on the weekends, we would head downtown to Underground Atlanta to find the various psychics set up in one of the crowded tunnels with their booths off to the side where you could get a tarot card or even palm reading.
It was a consistent and flourishing tunnel of more than any could imagine and looking back, I am astonished that I would find and be supported to continue in my mystical curiosities — beyond just home but in a city.
I was very deep into it, naively believing everything many of those women would tell me and if something came true with someone, me or those around me, you would see me back in no less than two weeks.
The interesting thing too is that my friends we would even remind each other what the other learned in a reading whether by being there and overhearing during the reading or instead remembering the advice shared to and for all on a call.
Amazing at such a young age, but I was special.
And to add, my mother supported the expansions most through choices given to me about my own life and evolution — spirit wise that is.
Yet in also looking back across the decades, studying zodiacs beginning so early then — no matter how small — it turned daily as the world evolved to became my laboratory and daily stage lesson through others according to my seeing how and thinking more on why people would act in certain ways; in direct alignment with the planetary shifts.
But even more, starting so early it greatly satisfied my Taurean tendencies to look for patterns and try to understand more than what is there in the world all around me.
Looking back it was also basic according to some, mere sun sign. So what!
But the rigorous interest was there. No doubt about that.
And it all needed to be basic then. Because I would have likely driven even more people around me crazy with it all because I was merely scratching the surface of awakening memory.
Many many years later the studies would get serious and I would then feel almost cheated that I didn’t know to or how to employ more complex uncoverings as a mystical curious child. But there were other important things I had to learn and master before I could get advanced on the cosmos, astrology, zodiacs, or human behavior including finalizing my education and ultimately finishing my Ph.D.
And in pacing my self and my learning, now I know more than just the Sun, but the Moon, and Rising, which blew my mind when I really began to study it in patterns of friends and upgrading my knowledge to realize how we are in many respects soul bodies comprised of many of the zodiacs.
But the real igniter has been tracing, every day sometimes, how Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Chiron, and even more affect our everyday lives and long term soul contracts. In fact, I see also even more why people should take seriously the learning about how these cosmic influences have bearing on their personal daily and the overall living. Because it all is true, easy to track, and only getting stronger with awareness of growing more that will soon skyrocket beyond measure.
It’s written in the stars and destiny. But if and when you know how to look.
And the greatest power for me is that when I wake up, I know more, I remember more and can and will empower others more. Awakened memories ignite more curiosity and action to find and have practical use in deeper ways.
If I merely scratched the memory of knowingness as a child then as an adult the remembering has taken full shape where I not only understand but even wake up when the planets shift. That’s another cosmic share for another day.
I just wanted to entice you and the world to start studying the stars/astrology and universal more that will once again become commonplace in the future already coming into planetary position and which needs to start early in the learning for and of us all.
Precisely because my mother enabled it in me — in a time and century where focused attention abounded — she never questioned any of it, only empowering the curiosity, the drive, and the engagement of cosmic more. Given that rarity and understanding, I will in the future be empowering parents on each other, their teens, children, and what the soul contract, the universe, and the dimensions can tell us on who we are, how we are the way we are, and what great purposes it has for the what next.
Be the peace, Be the love, and be the fearless one in learning the great of who you are!
Peace and Progress,