January 20, 2020: Destiny Day
Today the transformation for a great many will be unique and far-reaching.
Destiny Cards for the Day: 7 of Diamonds and 2 of Hearts
Numeric Energy Breakdown: 1+2+0+2+0+2+0 = 7
Day Energy: 7
Today’s destiny cards with Seven of Diamonds and Two of Hearts points, along with numeric combined vibration of Seven at the cosmic background of our day, to the fact we can count on intensity, depth, the unexpected, possible jaw-dropping, and a clear connection/response to things said and or done in the past.
The core energy of 20 in a double amplified 2020 year means that the number 20 will take on far greater meaning with triple energy that affects the self, the foundation, and our alignment most. Are we bendable, are we breakable, or do we stand unified in our selves and with like minds of others?
No longer will one, the self, the sole leader/dictator matter, instead groups, crowds, double alignment and passionate commitment of double hearts and smart double minds is and will be the forever way forward.
Today will be the strongest destiny day of the year because the repeated high vibrations that will invariably give way to intelligent minds, absolute high emotions, deep investigation/plunge for more, as well as alignment around the heart and or what stirs the heart in our beliefs/values and who/what we love as a unit.
The bridge point is strong in the cosmos today inviting a coming together or the outplay of strong battles that will be smart, cut deep, be unexpected, enduring, and leave many with much to say on what and how things really happened. This will be a many-sided day where money, abundance, and most of all core values will be put center-stage and through it, we will have to think carefully about what we love and how we extend that to the future or begin to make way for deep change.
The crossroads are here today and even more throughout the year of 2020. Self-mastery, supreme knowledge, and great awakenings lie at the core of this entire decade and equally today. However, the self and its greater meaning and play out with and or against others will be the primary thought for some.
Today holds important doorways to more but also revelation of self in and of the world. As such some could and may have felt like an alien with ideas and sets of values no one else seems to understand yet you can attract like minds today that will allow your greater expansion. No one can ever experience how it is to be in your place, except your soul twin and today you just may find the prototype in love, friendship, entrepreneurial partnership. Stay open
Love or money? Money or love? It will really matter and all day today. For some the energy can mean advancements in their professional career at the expense of a close loving relationship because they are present more for their work than the heart at home. Today choices and our attention to details that matter in love, in work, in life, and the global planet will require time to think. What you give is what you get.
The energy prevailing today could very well likely involve some changes and deep inward reflection on the way forward. Some may be far more open-minded and mentally sharp, creative, deeply driven and ambitious, where routine work can be more than they can handle. Today the yearn may indeed be higher for better for more, to gain new things to learn, new places to go, new projects to immerse the energy in the endless quest to your greater happiness and what motivates you.
Sacrifices may also happen that depend most on your choices.
The key to your financial success and wealth lies waiting inside and if and when the steps are taken to unlock your spiritual awareness, you can better access and thereby activate your own pool of endless universal wealth. Be open and be ready for more today. For some, the psychic gift and desire for higher knowledge will indeed be far stronger. The welfare of others, forward progress, and improvement will be high on the mind as change is necessary for greater alignment.
Marketing and public relations will come easily to the most gifted today because they possess an uncanny way of attracting and appealing to many, making it far easier for them than some of their peers with promoting things they value highly.
The love will be high today with great potential to ignite universal love across the planet. You may or perhaps even consider making time to gather among a significant circle of friends within your sacred space of peace and comfort. Today is a day where the flow of long will be strong wrapping the planet.
However, along with love so too is the altered and thus lower vibration that is and will also be very high with potential today to destroy the highest aim of the collective vibration. The desire for proper, purity, perfect, and sometimes outdated ideologies of separation and mental self-impressions can cause some lines to stand at great potential to interrupt one other and thus collide. Stay in your heart and loving most today.
The energy among some may be a display of tolerance, being dutiful and thorough, and responsible while maintaining a high sense of obligation. Interactions with foreign countries could be high today. As well as the theme of business. Placing energy on finances, selling, negotiating, and marketing especially can find success and great accomplishment through given space to create, as well as friendly relationships and social connections that can aid in the evolution of yours and others’ success today.
The wide spectrum of vibrational numbers in full play, the card symbology, and the ever-shifting planets all contribute to earth life in ways both seen and unseen. Through it, we are to find ourselves and our centerpoint of living and evolution most. May the journey today be instructive and most of all helpful in opening the doorways to your cosmic more.
Be the Peace, Be the Love, Be the Light Always
Empowerment Books:
Numerology 101: Everyday Numbers, Decode the Vibration (2018)
Numerology 102: Birthdays, Lifepaths, and The Personal Years (2019)
Symbology 101: Everyday Letters, Decode the Vibration (2019)