Joe Biden (Cosmically) Decoded: Happy Birthday 11/20/2020!
The year ahead holds incredible destiny for the future!
Name: Joe Biden
Born: Wednesday, November 20, 1942 @ 8:30 AM
Where: Scranton, Pennsylvania
With a prominent first letter of J, it points to past life influences of destiny showing that he came to serve, and most to be the bridge for what seems divided worlds. With a B letter it likewise indicates he has come to give birth to a new future anchored on alignment, opening doorways, expression on higher levels while always lifting others as the climb continues.
Born on a Wednesday means being the connector, the one who walks of deep faith and endurance through what seems sometimes tough peaks and valleys on the pathway. While the November born undoubtedly come to climb and moreover to lift in the life climb as they navigate even the sharpest blows of life.
The 20th born come to see, show, and explore through their multi-talents, to harness supreme intelligence they come naturally into this world with while ever learning about the self and most in tandem with the worlds of others
Biden was born to find destiny, evidenced most by the year he was born.
Year Born: 1942 (1 + 9 + 4 + 2) = 16/7 numeric energy year
Wherever there is a 6 destiny frames the entire pathway through the evolution. Born in a year of 16 energy he continues to walk in destiny that when 1+6 is totaled to a 7 underscores the past life echoes that in this life will allow him to find the sacredness of the pathway through service and deeper dig for truth, light, and collective understanding.
Born at 8:30AM, he came to find his power through connections, networks with others while finding success in the ways unexpected; far less traditional route. This birthtime points to managing the unexpected on the life journey while having multi-talents that heighten his creativity and understanding of others in the world. The core of his birth time speaks to heightened illumination he would/will bring to the world, often navigating separating realms that he could one day unite. Born in the am, the path is framed by fire, courage, innovation, fearlessness, and coming to find balance while getting the house of self in order.
Destiny Cards: King of Hearts and 4 of Clubs/4 of Spades
These cards — based on the day he was born — points to movement beyond the veil with a powerful energy that is about finding his voice, building a future legacy that will echo far in the future, love of the world and its people, and to be the turning point that enables major transformation in the world around him. The long range theme for his entire year ahead at age 78 is Ace of Diamonds which signals absolute new beginnings relative to a new enterprise/job. Overall this year will be a birth of new values in his and the world’s life. New motivations and new actions of many kinds will take global centerstage!
Key takeaways
*4 planets in Scorpio
*2 planets in Gemini
*3 planets in Leo
*5 retrogrades
Sun in Scorpio (shines w/intensity, power, bridge of worlds, the transformer)
Moon in Taurus (good connection w/people, roots, family, and true loyalty)
Rising Sign in Sagittarius (the power of words/prophecy & forging of new pathways/adventures that will have life long resonance)
Mercury in Scorpio
Venus in Scorpio
Mars in Scorpio
Jupiter in Cancer (r)
Saturn in Gemini (r)
Uranus in Gemini (r)
Neptune in Libra
Pluto in Leo (r)
North Node in Leo (r)
Chiron in Leo
MC in Virgo
Current Age: 78 years
This new year will bring higher awakenings, new modes of personal power and interconnections most of all while over this year he becomes the change maker the future was waiting on. He stands next to and will make swift changes happen in the near and far future in tandem with lessons of the recent past that will enable visionary understanding on how to manifest a brighter future. It’s all in the numbers!
Cosmic Overview: Joe Biden comes to be a bridge, the peacemaker, the giver of harmonious balance, and immense wisdom. He was born to activate universal love for humanity and to give in a way that empowers and brings others together. He comes to speak to the present and to the future but doing so in ways of rooted loyal connection that will continue to enable the empowerment of others and especially their future selves. He comes to embolden change in, with, and through others and in many dimensions and directions. His pathway is one of climbing, navigating peaks valleys, evolving, and transforming through the ever-changing worlds around him. Biden’s life will always be one of unique contours and moments in and of the world for he came to transform and to activate core intelligence. Above all, he came to uplift, inspire and collectively give to the future in deeply profound, core, and even in prophetic ways unseen by the outside world. As of today on his birthday/new year, he is currently in a highly vibrational year of awakenings, abundance, and profound evolution of the self in and for the world. He came to find his power, to be the peacemaker, and to deal with the unexpected that fuels greater survival, strategy, resilience, and collective uplift.
TheCosmicDoc (
**Cosmic Empowerment Books**
Numerology 101: Everyday Numbers Decode the Vibration
Numerology 102: Birthdays, Lifepaths, and the Personal Years