Never Hesitate to Claim, Stand In, & Or Speak Your Truth!
Power comes in many forms, seen and unseen, intentional and inattentive.
We live in a world and society where words matter, power scares, and knowledge is real.
Yet what do we do with it? Something? Anything? Nothing?
How do others perceive it, or rather receive it from us?
Even more, how & do we handle passive aggressive moments of (racial) power?
I learned very recently with/through a person on my life path. A few of us gathered around the table one afternoon and in the course of a meal, one person shared a dream and then asked us both what we thought.
I listened. To the dream and the other person’s casual and rather dogmatic interpretation of what it, the dream, was, is and meant. As they continued on lacing their version of truth with oh yes, and syrupy ummm hmmms.
I continued to listen.
When I was asked directly my view, I explained that this person coming in a dream after some time is not about the now but the coming now, the future. And my being a high sensory empath/vibrational medium that I could feel the dream vibrationally through both people, and as a seer/oracle, the truth always prevails and I knew the coming of death.
I know what death feels like vibrationally.
I am a vibrational medium at the very least. Acutely capable of decoding signs, truths, and messages through vibrations unseen and largely unfelt by the average most.
Get over it!
Back at the table, I explained that this person reached out via the dreamworld because death and or the plunge into a dimensional transformation of life would play out for them very soon.
And unable to believe that I could speak with clarity on what it meant, the other person merely guessing on the dream said, “You think?” with the voice going upward in an ever so dismissive way, like speaking to a child.
Without hesitation, I said, “I don’t think, I know.”
I said that because in my mind to think was engaging in the debate of the mind that we as humans are ever guilty of, and yet, I know. My knowledge base of understanding and living extends far in multidimensions of systems of knowledge, of which this person knows and used to respect when readings were of course given.
Once truth was spoken, invariably that person changed vibrationally thereafter.
I mean I guess who wouldn’t when you see someone stand in their power. Thus denying the hold of your reality forced on them and cast as THE truth.
Little did I know, even more had began brewing within that person that would soon spill over in full display.
They responded, “You Know?” Like adding with head rolling and all without saying it aloud but demanding, how could YOU know?
I let it slide and stayed engaging the person’s whose dream it really was.
After eating we all moved to the dining room table to do a channeled message.
Our friend went to the restroom first.
And the person who responded rather dismissively to my knowing response leaned over, nose turned up, and said by asking, “Are you ok? Is there something wrong? Or something going on? Because you act like you don’t want to be here. You seem angry or something. Are you ok”
I said, “I am fine” and “No, there is nothing wrong.” As this person fumbled with themselves and their belongings and they said again, “Oh are you sure, is there something wrong?” Again speaking as if with a child.
And once again without hesitation, I stated clearly, “there is nothing wrong. In fact how about asking what is right because I am alright. Is there something wrong with you?”
As I thought more on how my behaviors were being racially read as a black woman at a table and house of two white people, the questions and words, in short, echoed verbally reminding me in coded language, the truth anchored far deeper saying, — - hey you are not acting like you want to be here, thus not acting the way I want you to, or how you should be in order to belong here with us.
In short, I was checked.
When our friend returned to the table, we received a channeled message, and the other two of us we were invited to give a prayer or do a reading. The other person prayed for the world.
I prayed through my response to the table query of what was wrong. I prayed out loud in the company of us three that the right be asked first, because to ask what is wrong is to assume the worst and project the worst on others when nothing could be wrong.
I added in how race is ever present in our living and to be mindful of the questions that can create troubling racial others.
When done channeling and praying, talk resumed. However, my tears nor telling the full truth were not complete.
Our friend leading prayer and messages for us felt the pain and inquired.
I spoke about the incident of being asked what was wrong while they were away, and in so doing, within mere seconds, the second person seated across from me lied to spare themselves and to prevent being seen as the one who would dare ask such a question.
In that moment of deep untruth, I considered the person who moments before had indeed asked me what was wrong, while moments later doing the most wrong on me by lying to look good and in turn makes me look emotional and in short racially crazy; intentionally or maybe without a clue doing so.
I got even more upset at the time because of race and because for moment I felt cast among the unbelieved all over again to make another feel better in their purest of heart and living.
No matter the lies or lying. Nor the sacred table that lies were spilled on.
I spoke my truth and most before God. Even louder in my telepathic prayer high as I looked ahead down the road.
We rode back together with little to no words and my barely falling out the car before they drove off without a word or a bother to look back.
We likely won’t speak until divine timing.
But it was a sharp lesson for me and for us all. — — Never question others’ truth and knowledge of themselves. Because to engage in lower vibrational untruths only extends the deeper longer lessons at hand. For one and us all.
Some lessons are also best with separate paths on the divine rod of life.
To THINK is to stay in logic and debate, and to KNOW is to operate from undeniable truths beyond ego and within a much tighter bridge of the mind and the heart.
To question what is wrong is to activate a projection of the self on one or many others. It judges, it reduces, it questions, and it isolates — on purpose.
Divine living operates from self-truth based on gifts granted from the divine to enhance the living and serve as a medium of truth between many worlds
That and this moment on the path hurt.
But the truth and power of voice unveiling through it and from it will be even more powerful because in truth every story, every moment, every question of truth and every act is recorded and remembered. In releasing the attachment of more or adding expectation of others to act the way I or they want, my life is/was designed for my soul contract, which is best lived in my truth
Not the desired reality of another, no matter how prayerful.
May we ALL live, learn and always know that even the most unbelievable who come in forms unexpected can divinely predict truth and the future that you are not ready to see. You and we all are very capable. But some come to do the work and thereby master that which you will question, doubt, and cast out because they don’t act like they chose to belong your way.
Be kind for the days ahead will require the knowledge of the awakened oracles, prophets, and psychics. Those who have always lived in the truth many lives while others, most times new souls to the planet, often find their happiness and lessons too most by jeering, ridiculing, silencing, lying about, dismissing & thus overlooking the truth tellers who divinely know!
I bless the moment and release this as archaic past unworthy to hold on to.
Cosmic Lessons of The Living … brought to you.
Channeled by,