November 1–8, 2020: Decoded
It’s All in the (Numeric) Vibrations!
11+2020 = 15/6 Universal Month
Everyday in November, much like every day of every month, holds a core energy for our greatest learning and evolution on the soul path.
The month will start weird and end with the world having to let go of the old/past.
November is the month of illumination and walking through the portals to our greatest awakening both collectively and within the self. As a universal energy, the number eleven when added to the 2020 year gives a 6 base number, however equally key to the cosmic puzzle is also the number 15 which points to a month of incredible changes that will have vibrational influence on the core, thus the self will stand next to most profound changes.
6 energetically means giving greater reflection on the family, the foundation, core base of survival and longevity that will matter on much higher levels all month long along with social responsibility, love, harmony, compassion, harmony, and community.
The month of November is symbolically about the climb as well as navigating between two worlds and also worlds with sharp angles keep us attentive to our strength, courage, core values, faith, and alignment within self. Below the month is decoded for the week (Nov 1st–8th) on its basic core numbers most to decode the vibrational energy already in full universal play.
11.1.2020– — 7 energy
The core point of today will be about the self, seeing the self in a new way that leads to amplified awareness, heighetened senses, illumination, and greater creativity. Things said and done in the past, and thus hard work can open new doorways for the world stage. Dive deep! Much of the energy today — while deeply unique at its core — is past days and past life connected as the sacred self, the awakened self begins to emerge. Many will find themselves shifting in ways unlike last month or even yesterday, as activation is happening throughout the multiverses. Some and a great many will require time to self, to go deep in the work, maybe even more time in the dream world to enable the cosmic analysis and the introspection. Give space and take space. Doing so can allow the sacred and the deeply spiritual to spring forth. The time of your awakening is now!
11.2.2020– — 8 energy
The core point of today will be about partnership, cooperation, coming together, and unifying or standing apart. Today will also hold be extremely loud and expressive. What is said will have great influence on the future in a powerful ways for destiny is all around. The lights will continue to cut on in our personal lives, but also as a global stage where hard work, tougher choices, and crossroads will emerge. The death of the old looms strong as networks, power, and interconnections take centerstage. Power in all of its meanings as well as the imbalances of power will continue to activate in the self and the entangled worlds of connections to others.
11.3.2020– — 9 energy
Today will be both a day of the unexpected as well as a day of endings, letting go of old out dated energy, and moving into a new place of connection and humanitarianism that will transform the world and the coming future. The past and all of its complicated contours will come full circle. Today will also be about the many, the multitudes, the unexpected and what may seem an ever swift and moving energy that can prove unpredictable however endings, losses, and letting go must happen to make away for a new stage of living that is manifesting upon the globe and planet.
11.4.2020– — 10/1 energy
Today will set a new global stage. A new platform will emerge that allows us all to see ourselves and the future in a new way. The sight will go deep as today at its core is about surrender and going deep in a return to core roots. As illumination happens, so too shall destiny and how we navigate from an old outdated place to one of completion and therefore graduating to a higher stage of learning and living. New wheels are and will move the self and the globe to a deeper place of core alignment and full activation.
11.5.2020– — 11/2 energy
Today things will move quick, fast and abrupt changes will be at the core. The change makers will arise today as well as some perhaps bringing to bear information from the past that can take a great many forward. As you and we all awaken to a more illuminated and informed mass, the past will come to a greater place of knowledge and understanding. The lights will cut on while the dig will unveil secrets long hidden today that will bring many together, while allowing the collective to rise to a higher place of consciousness on the pathway towards a more unified place on the evolution.
11.6.2020 — –12/3 energy
Today will be a bridge of connection or greater division. Today the family, harmony, power, and the interconnections will matter. Today will be multi-pronged and will hold unusual energy unseen. All things will come together as greater lights are cast on the past and more is amplified on the collective stage, for today is a day of destiny and also a day of great karma where the wheels of things said and or done in the past find revelation. Emotions will run extremely high. Expect the unexpected.
11.7.2020– — 13/4 energy
Today the plunge will go vibrationally deeper. Analysis and investigation will be superior as we take time to closely understand the past and its evolution to the present. Through the dig we will see best where to let go, enact greater endings, and move through the unexpected to a more solid foundation. Death and transformation shall unveil today as we all stand next to unexpecteds but also to the creative core that is and shall awaken. Through the crossroads we must confront endings and letting go.
11.8.2020– — 14/5 energy
Today power will be at the center for us all. Where and how power means to you in the scales of truth and balance will find collective interest. Today new stages and platforms will emerge that allow greater sight between and to a new road. Today is a indeed a death of the old as the vibrations allow greater self mastery and also powerful energy moving forward towards a better future. Hold on tight as the wheels will be in quick unprecedented motion.
TheCosmicDoc (email: