The 1971 Born

8 min readFeb 11, 2019


The 1971 born, they are the children born in the year 1971. The ones who came with a great purpose and higher vibrational frequencies. They came also with a directed overall life purpose much like all children born in particular years, decades, and centuries.

Each year all souls have a directed path of life evolution according to their soul contract that is encoded in one’s birthday.

Within your birthday there are many routes to understanding ourselves and our purpose/multi-purposes.

Critical for most to know is that we are reflections of the year that we are born. And within the numbers contains direct keys to the future of understanding that has personal and collective influence according to the specific month we are born in a given year.

All those born in the year 1971, no matter when they were born within the twelve month calendar year, each child came to learn and evolve through specific vibrational contours on the lifepath that has great bearing on the future of all children born that year.


By the numbers, 1971 points to several key themes: the self, higher mind, letting go, significant losses, great awakenings, finding and activating self-love and the need for careful balances especially of the mind and emotions.

1971 when added & reduced to a closest single number (1+9+7+1) = 18/9
(all three vibrations matter in the patterns of life for those born that year, the 18 and the number 9)

Even more, each number has a distinct set of behavioral tendencies that can and will play out in everyday life and along the life path for any and absolute all 1971 born.

All births are apart of a broader universal plan of souls and, contrary to belief, one’s soul path is revealed most through the symbols including numbers, if and when of course numbers are read as decipherable symbols to see the future for self and others.

The January 1971 born

The children born this first month of the year came to see, learn and experiences about the self, and the self in the world, losses, a lot of transformation that can lead to a path of humanitarianism. Whatever these children put their mind to, it has great influence on the many, crowds, groups, organizations but it is far reaching by far. The self matters for them more than any other year but their entire lifepath they navigate new worlds sometimes unfamiliar that forces higher thinking on alignment, the self, and happiness. Anything that excluded deeper thought on the self and the well being of the self could come with later tests on the adult life path.

The February 1971 born

These children came born with extremely high intellect as well as high emotions. Partnerships matter and yet they can take on so many evolutions as well as revelations of a dual self. We all live in dualities that emerge but those born this month of 1971 came to see it first hand and to share new forms of information on extremely high levels with the world. They come to give to greater humanity and yet some may face incredible losses as they learn to let go and learn the deeper core understandings of attachments. Yet most of all, these are key holders, masters of cosmic information and genius intelligence that is supposed to be shared with the world. Moving through incredible tests maybe even hardships around the mind, heart, and emotions, they will see the deeper core of life later on the adult path. Conversations and expression will always matter for them.

The March 1971 born

Those born this month come to bear deep creativity, to become familiar with the unexpected, to find the apex of their life and deeper meaning. At some point on the life path, they will undergo a massive rebirth that gives new sight and clarity on the world around them and their purposes. Coming through a portal anchored on unexpectedness, they come to find a routine but also to deal with change all the time as well as losses. Through tests on the path that show their courage and survival, they become a bridge to and for the world in remarkable ways unseen in any others born in the months this year. These are past life connected children who come with incredible gifts and talents that the world had yet to see until their birth.

The April 1971 born

Those born this month are far more intense than children born other times this year. They are about organization and order or perhaps being challenged to make that a central theme in their life going forward. As well as surrender and having full faith on the path. Yet they are also about creativity on high levels, they are very unique in their living and loving and view of the world, and they came most to learn about how they view their selves in connection to the wider world. Another key is that they came to learn how best to integrate a multidimensional life comprised of many things, gifts, talents, opportunities, emotions, living, activating their magic.

The May 1971 born

Those born this month year they confront change all the time. They also have major crossroads emerge that force tough and important decisions moving forward between people, places, and even people. Their path requires that they bear witness to a lot and in fact much more sometimes than their peers even the spectrum of life and death. They have come to practice, have and activate faith, order, and letting go of the need for attachments in moving forward on the path. Freedom and experience matter greatly to them and they will aim for it at all cost. Graced with incredible memories these are the builders and team players that would seek many to these 1971 born.

The June 1971 born

Those born this month in 1971 their life is about finding the bridge of the heart and the mind. To get themselves off the karmic wheel and to walk into their destiny. For them, hardships of incredible losses, high emotions, and learning to let go with changes are undeniably key as they move forward. They desire greater freedom and mental space than others. Yet for a great many, they also can see to the future quite easily given that they were born with psychic abilities that can be latent or perhaps very dominant that they even try to deny. Their mind and being moves very fast so they must find balance on the path that nurtures who they really are at the core. Resist denying their true nature as they embrace the changes they will walk in an even more destined path of higher responsibility.

The July 1971 born

These are the truly sacred born in 1971 that are carrying deep past life abilities and talent that can and very will activate in this lifetime for them. They stand next to destiny all the time waiting to awaken their core self as well as the masses. Some are profounded deep in their thinking, or odd to others. They often need more space and especially mental space themselves. Losses come to them what may seem regularly at times but they must move through the changes and challenges to see where their core destiny is leading them. They must have and honor sacred time for themselves. Through it, their higher mind will pour out as well as the giving to the world they have inherent within them.

The August 1971 born

These children come with incredible power that will rise and evolve over the lifepath. They come to create and find new beginnings, to find material gain, and learn the various realms of abilities they were born with. They stand next to their power all the time waiting on them to find the courage and to step into destiny or to be fearful and unwilling to surrender and see their full self. Later in life, their lives are likely vastly different than the childhood and through it, they gain deep ties with others, through networks and entanglements that emerged through the path they may have been unaware of. Overall they came to bring much to the world and those around them in thought word and deed most. These are the powerful awakeners born to shake the world.

The September 1971 born

These children are incredibly wise, much like old souls reborn to see more and gain more perspective. They come with a double vibration and even a triple vibration of the higher mind but also losses and letting go. Some have to endure the deeper challenges of losing so that new paths can open up and emerge for them. They also come to make deep intimate ties with many around them as later in life they come to understand the lessons of endings, beginnings, and evolution. Expression is a major theme for them and in stepping out of their inner core shell their life can and will greatly expand. These are the profound givers to humanity.

The October 1971 born

These children represent the ending of the old and the coming of the new and fantastic. For those born this month in 1971 things are big all the time, their mind, their emotions, their socializing, their losses, and connections with the world. They came to feel and to help others feel through their daily living. Yet through it all, they are sometimes forced onto a broader worldwide stage for their ideas, their thinking, their living, and their esoteric knowledge that continues to pour in. They are intergalactic by far and they come to show the past that the future is coming in a myriad of cosmic and cultural ways that they may even have a hand in opening the eyes of others who yearn to go deeper in the living and learning. These undoubtedly are the way-showers born for the future.

The November 1971 born

These children are the information bringers, the ones able to access high forms of information sometimes more than others. They are however a bridge to a wider world of living and learning. They also come with absolutely high emotions that they must balance if they are able to find the proper balance in this realm of the living. Because at birth they walked into parallel worlds that they must learn to activate and see and live by the truth. And through it, they must also begin to empower others through what can be found extreme genius in many born this month. They do not hide in showing or expressing their emotions most times and if they do then it is always capable of imploding if long withheld. They come to find balance in the mind and sharing with the world through losses and endings of old ways.

The December 1971 born

The children born this month in 1971 are the last and most important keys for this year. They are bridges to a wider world as they came in master builders who came to understand and live through duality. How they start in the foundation of life may expand greatly but also alter significantly than expected. They come able to see between worlds and are deeply in tune and fully connected between worlds. As such the world may always come before them, they may worry on others versus themselves and the toll can very well run deep. Again this month comes with a great cost to some because to be in tune is to walk between worlds of knowledge, emotions, and overall life understandings. Some born this month may face more hardships and tribulations often than others to see and gain a direct core understanding of multiverses and the continuity of life everlasting. The suffering can be great for some while others the creativity and fullness of life lived may be highly vibrational far exceeding others. Those born this month came to see, feel, live, and learn and to empower a great many others.

Written By: TheCosmicDoc




Written by TheCosmicDoc

Black Female Psychic Spirit Medium, Astrologer, Empath, Reiki Master, Author of Books Numerology101; Numerology102; Symbology101; email:

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