The 2020 U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidates (Cosmically) Decoded
All birthdays contain cosmic keys to know more about a person!
While the tendency of recent many has been to offer an astrological gaze on the US Democratical Presidential Candidates, to keep it more interesting and to empower the future curious even more deeply, each candidate is briefly decoded cosmically below according to their name and birthday. Looking beyond the order of their actual year born, each candidate is listed in the order of their calendar birthdate (ie Jan 1st — Dec 31st).
Among the current 11 US Democratic Presidential choices are those born in eight particular months: January, February, April, May, June, July, September, and November. Each month holds certain energies where those born in it come to learn, experience, and moreover to give through particular key themes to the world. — — Just like one’s zodiac, the month/number month you were born, the day you were born, the year, the century, and so much cosmic more can and does reveal a myriad about each person as well as potential presidential candidates! Everyone is decodable!
To know is to be informed!
JANUARY (1ST) MONTH BORN come to activate newness, innovation on high levels, and to unify the wider world and global stage they are apart of.
1. Name: Andrew Yang
Born: Monday, January 13, 1975 @ 6:20 AM
Schenectady, New York
Destiny Cards: Ace of Spades and 9 of Clubs
Year Born: 1975 (1 + 9 + 7 + 5) = 22/4 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a FOUR year come to manifest deep real-life understandings of key themes of organization, service, family, crossroads, hard work, and the forging of legacies.
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Aquarius
Rising: Capricorn
Age: 44 years (the year of high vibrational crossroads, transformation, and intellectual mastery towards manifestation)
Cosmic Overview: Andrew Yang is the hardworker, the practical driven one that will know inherently how to connect on the humanitarian level with others, how best to anchor technology in and for the future, and through it he will activate intelligence continuously on the path which will take him through profound points of transformation. He brings creativity and innovation that for some can be vastly unexpected and yet intuitively connected. He is the unexpected and he stands forever next to the unexpected which always brings change and in turn cosmic transformations. Moreover, Yang represents an important fork in the rod and road of divine truth. Through it, he comes into the world navigating with supreme intelligence, deep intuition, fearlessness in ending old/outdated divisive ways, and coming likewise to forge new and critically important conversations, thus new ways of communicating among the present and the far future. Throughout the path determination, resiliency, setting firm foundations, and staying mindful of integrating the new and old in smart ways will always matter. The hardwork, perseverance, and relentless ambition will persist throughout the soul journey and this year of the elections will prove to be a year of incredibly high and smart mastery for him on the ever-evolving path.
2. Name: Pete Buttigieg
Born: Tuesday, January 19, 1982 @ 9PM
Southbend, Indiana
Destiny Cards: 8 of Diamonds and 10 of Spades
Year Born: 1982 (1 + 9 + 8 + 2) = 20/2 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a TWO year come to learn and activate new understandings of partnership, the higher mind, emotional intelligence, cooperation and the power of words spoken.
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Sagittarius
Rising: Virgo
Age: 38 years (the year of illumination, creativity, and activating dimensional power)
Cosmic Overview: Pete Buttigieg is the penetrating smart mind who comes to give birth to a new profound future in important, practical, sometimes adventurous, however prophetic ways that will have far greater organization, drive, and follow-through. He has come to be the bridgepoint, the one who sees between worlds, can learn from the past, and see to a better future having learned through circles/cycles. He was born with charm in knowing how best to appeal to and between worlds of many. His reach can move many as he has come to be a doorway/door opener, one who sets a new stage for the future that will transform the present and future coming. Buttigieg is in the current year of creativity, power, abundance, seeing and walking between new worlds, and learning how to share information and illuminating knowledge of self and others for greater cooperation. He has come to end the old outdated ways, he is and will be transformed, and through it, a new foundation will be set that shall be deeply impactful for those around him, giving sight to a new future still taking vibrational shape. He is a manifester and one who will see many sides of life, people, and evolutions, therein knowing how to find balance in appealing widely, given that his path has brought deep crossroads of change to activate his own power, sense of self, and to maintain strength on the path.
FEBRUARY (2ND) MONTH BORN come to take us forward, to activate intellect and compassion, and most of all to find cooperation with others.
3. Name: Michael Bloomberg
Born: Saturday, February 14, 1942 @3:40 PM
Brighton, MA
Destiny Cards: Jack of Diamonds and 6 of Spades
Year Born: 1942 (1 + 9 + 4 + 2) = 16/7 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a SEVEN YEAR are immensely unique, are capable of immense depth, investigation and analysis, and while they crave substantial solitude on the lifepath, their spiritual evolution in and of the world is unprecedented.
Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Aquarius
Rising: Cancer
Age: 77 years (the year of higher awakenings, changes, and forward movement)
Cosmic Overview: Michael Bloomberg comes to change and to be changed. He also comes to be the visionary and transformer for those of his generation most and well beyond. He was born in the decade of crossroads, and the year of core deep awakenings. He comes to make important decisions and to maneuver and thus navigate worlds of many far and wide, deeply compassionate and driven by need for depth of inquiry and analysis. And, while he may be unique and sometimes eccentric, and deeply unexpected in his motives, he will act upon visionary knowingness and strive for success on the path for the group. He is a smart change activator and this year he is currently in his own personal awakening and likewise a global awakening to more of the world that has him moving through shift changes towards and for the coming future. He is unique at his core and yet compassionate and concerned about the welfare of the world. He will give and in his own strategically smart ways. He was born a protector innate, and one through whom secrets can be uncovered and revealed in and of others. His views will be fueled most towards activating the doorways that can bring destiny for the world and the far future. He will be fearless in the newness, originality, and he will remain forever forward bound on the path. He was born in a year where things said and done all have karmic core and through it he will know how to navigate the world, its changes, and people in preparation for the next generation that will learn from him.
APRIL (4TH) MONTH BORN come to walk through crossroads, to be transformed, and to in turn deeply transform the world around them.
4. Name: Tulsi Gabbard
Born: Sunday, April 12, 1981
Where: Leloaloa, Maoputasi County, on American Samoa’s main island of Tutuila.
Destiny Cards: 9 of Diamonds and King of Clubs
Year Born: 1981 (1 + 9 + 8 + 1) = 19/10/1 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a ONE year come to understand and learn the need for oneness, alignment of self in and of the world, roots, family, originality, and most of all strength.
Sun: Aries
Moon: Leo
Rising: Cancer
Age: 38 years (the year of the unexpected, three-pronged, about webs & connections)
Cosmic Overview: Tulsi Gabbard is the fearless one who comes to awaken the world in pronounced ways. The transformational fire will continue to permeate through her words most that will serve as a platform and even sometimes battlefields with others. She came to be fearless, she came to fuel innovation, truth, to be bold, and to give to the world in deeply passionate ways. She is a keyholder to more and as such, she is the bringer of truth, endings of old ways that were once held in secret. Even more, she is a master communicator one that is and will always be bold with absolute intentionality of words, feelings, and energy that can and will filter in direct and purposeful ways. She sees the end and from it will speak about the self in and of the world, evolution, and what it has meant to her. As such, she came to learn courage, strength, and to be tested if she is breakable or not, for which the fires within will always carry her future forward. She is in the year of the unexpected where she will continue to give information in unexpected places, ways, and modes of expression that will cut deep and across the multiverses most to expose power and its rooted dimensions that prevail. Through it information will be shared and she is and will continue to walk through sometimes disparate worlds that will force critical choices of alignment in the road ahead. She comes to master, to teach, to inspire, and sometimes to stand and walk the lonely path. She was born to express and without it, anxieties can brew therefore in forging collective ground with others she can be a truly great transformer unexpected.
MAY (5TH) MONTH BORN are the change bringers, truth-tellers, and activators who come to collectively awaken masses in the way forward to greatness.
5. Name: Amy Jean Klobuchar
Born: Wednesday, May 25, 1960 @ 12:56 AM
St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Destiny Cards: 7 of Clubs and 5 of Diamonds
Year Born: 1960 (1 + 9 + 6 + 0) = 16/7 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a SEVEN YEAR are profoundly unique, are capable of immense depth, investigation and analysis, and while they crave substantial solitude on the lifepath, their spiritual evolution in and of the world is unprecedented.
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Gemini
Rising: Aquarius
Age: 59 years (the year of change, ending of old ways, and great transformation)
Cosmic Overview: Amy Klobuchar came to communicate, to be the fire of communication, and one who will cut to the core of what must happen for the near and far future. Her mind will be highly active, and ever piercing, internal and when expressed outward as she was born to inspire and to come to share words with the worlds around her within profoundly massive ways. She will be fearless on the path, taking into account variance of perspectives, however, her drive forward most will be through words and action that enables collective uplift towards tangible change. She is one that will engage in and thus directly set out to address what is left unspoken and through it, she will awaken to more and the world will awaken to her incredible intelligence and smart ability to navigate the core of many worlds. She has much to say that can hit the heart and the minds of many. For she came to find destiny and to exact truth through what has long been left covered. She was born in the month of great change and through it she will never lack for the skill of truth-telling. She will be charming and caring at her core, and she will be unique in the far reach appeal and the how of manifestation. Groups, multitudes, and many will always matter and what that future can look like. She is currently in the fast pace of change, forward movement, ending the old ways that held her and others back by breaking free to walk through crossroads and to be the lightbringer in smart ways. The peaks and valleys and deep points of surrender and faith for her have allowed greater insight in the way forward with smart and deep changes still unveiling. All in all, she is and will always be diligent, go deep, reflect, and be a courageous changemaker on the journey still evolving.
JUNE (6TH) MONTH BORN come to be the bridge, to share deep wisdom and insights, and most of all to help forge balance in the world’s core foundation.
6. Name: Elizabeth Warren
Born: day June 22, 1949
Oklahoma City, OK
Destiny Cards: 8 of Clubs and 6 of Diamonds/Jack of Spades
Year Born: 1949 (1 + 9 + 4 + 9) = 23/5 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a FIVE YEAR come to experience profound self-mastery, to find success through abrupt changes, staying ever forward-moving, ambitious, and committed to truth and self-expression on deep levels.
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Virgo
Age: 70 years (the year of awakenings, moving through circles, cycles, seeing between multi-worlds)
Cosmic Overview: Elizabeth Warren came to master the art of expression on high levels for the self and the future. She is deeply intuitive, concerned innately about the core foundation for the world, deeply creative, and she is driven most on details, organization, and cutting through to the core. She has experienced evolutions of peaks and valleys that have lent greater sight on the way forward and most how to handle the unexpected that can and will arise. For she was born on the day of highly intelligent minds that know best how to collectively align in the way forward for the most optimal future. She is compassionately strategic and smart being born in a year about abrupt changes and being a fearless truth-teller in the evolution. She can astutely see between worlds and to the bottom line almost in a more calculated way than some others, however, it is about how the endings and old ways are permanently ended. She will always know a way forward. She is currently in a year of awakenings and seeing through to more than others who try to shield and hide in plain sight. She was born to see beyond the veil of lies to profess truth strategy in and for the future of foundational living. She is and will always be good with people. The path may be vibrationally heavy however led by smart intuition, she will continue to forge great legacies in the world and on her journey. She is a master builder who comes with exceptional skills and abilities of supremely high levels.
7. Name: Tom Steyer
Born: Thursday, June 27, 1957, time?
Manhattan, New York
Destiny Cards: 3 of Clubs and 5 of Hearts
Year Born: 1957 (1 + 9 + 5 + 7) = 22/4 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a FOUR YEAR come to manifest deep real-life understandings of key themes related to organization, service, family, crossroads, hard work, and the forging of legacies.
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Virgo
Age: 62 years (the year of karma, destiny, duality, and finding one’s personal power)
Cosmic Overview: Tom Steyer comes to hear, see all sides, and to transform those around him. He can see between worlds and has an incredible ear and depth of understanding in and on the how in the way forward. He was born with absolute high volumes of compassion, caring, and concern for the core, the group, the masses, and as such he is fueled by the bottom line to ensure greater security foundation for self and others. He is smart, for he comes as a way-shower of multidimensional proportions who lives with and can fuel brilliance in his everyday living. He was born in a year of the brilliant mind and also one who learns how to best transform and evolve through the crossroads of life that can and will demand change. He comes with supreme knowledge, is creative, very much one where communication matters and all the time because his living and worldly understanding shows how over and over to be in the heart and having unconditional love even through the unexpected and rather abrupt changes that will invariably manifest. Steyer is a rod of truth, clarity, and one who lives most from the heart. He is the bridge and the one that can forge an ending of divisive ways while knowing inherently how best to connect and fuse a bright future ahead for many. He came to be a master of dynamic multitudes and through it, he will continue to forge great influence with and through those in his life, his path, and the world around him.
JULY (7TH) MONTH BORN come to awaken, to collectively share ancestral wisdom, and to be relentless in the pursuit of and transmission of truth.
8. Name: Deval Patrick
Born: Tuesday, July 31, 1956 @ 4:00AM
Chicago, Illinois
Destiny Cards: 10 of Hearts and 10 of Hearts
Year Born: 1956 (1 + 9 + 5 + 6) = 21/3 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a THREE YEAR come to exact and give immense creativity to the world that is past life connected. They likewise come to confront the unexpected and to give of their multi-talents.
Sun: Leo
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Cancer
Age: 63 years (the year of the core, family, creativity, unexpected, and endings of old ways)
Cosmic Overview: Deval Patrick came to activate a global platform fueled most by compassion on high vibrational levels for the world and humanity. As such he is a keyholder, a doorway to more and one of higher mind and incredible intelligence. He came to walk through crossroads, to transform, and to innovate in unique and deeply unexpected ways. He was born on the day of the unexpected in and how he gives and moves the world is framed by such. The global stage is and has always been around him and through it he continues to awaken to more of himself, to illuminate and empower the worlds of people around him and to navigate often disparate worlds. He came to be and to exact his multi-talents. He is and will always be good with crowds, he will make bold moves that are smart, foundationally drive, courageous, and intuitively tied to the cosmos on the way forward. At his core, he is deeply intelligent, collective concerning and ever abundant understanding. He knows how to manifest and operate on multi-platforms, thus lending wide-ranging relationships with people of many worlds and walks of life. He is currently in a year of finding greater destiny in the path and the way forward. All words and actions will have power and vibrational influence. The entire year until his next birthday will be about the creative unexpected, with him many should smartly expect dynamism and also intuitive moves that greatly influence masses — both seen and unseen. He is and will bring newness to old conversations and as a way-shower he will devise ways to comprise the bridge and to forge collective alignment.
SEPTEMBER (9TH) MONTH BORN come to serve humanity and greatly take the world to a brighter future through the brilliance of their minds, the ending of old ways, and by sparking the transformational fire that dwells within them.
9. Name: Bernie Sanders
Born: Monday, September 8, 1941 @ 12:27 PM
Brooklyn Heights, New York City
Destiny Cards: 3 of Diamonds and Ace of Spades
Year Born: 1941 (1 + 9 + 4 + 1) = 15/6 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a SIX YEAR come to walk in their destiny and to take the collective future forward. Bridging the higher mind and universal spirit, they come to come to be of service relative to core foundational needs for the family, groups, and the globe.
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Aries
Rising: Scorpio
Age: 78 years (the year of awakenings that can electrify the multiverses, standing next to great change that takes us far into the future)
Cosmic Overview: Bernie Sanders came to activate destiny most by being the bridge of and for a great many. He was born at a point in cosmic time about bringing the unexpected and unique deeply penetrating endings to old outdated ways. As such he came to find his power and to be a power broker for people and hearts of many from varying walks of life. He was born in the year of great change and being the fearless truth-teller and way-shower that is of immense creative energy, seen and unseen cosmic forces, and one who operates on high levels to know how best to transmit information far and wide, while also how to bridge the lives of those whose worlds seem disparate. He was born to serve humanity with transformational fire, depth, and valued intensity that will be far-reaching through legacies, as others learn more concretely how best to harness the mind through the unexpected. He is and has continued to navigate the unexpected and smartly so given the quickness of mind, passion, and understanding that has long taken him far being core keys he was born with. He came to give birth to a new world still unimagined by the unawakened and uninformed that can prove victorious in taking the world to new levels of higher vibrations. He came to be successful through his wide array of multi-talents however he came to do so as a change-maker for the world that is always forward bound, forward-moving, and future exacting. He came to show and be fearless, to ignite collective power, and do so in penetrating ways of society that are remarkably galvanizing. He comes with an incredible balance of mind, emotional intelligence, supreme practicality, and remarkable leadership skills and abilities.
NOVEMBER (11TH) MONTH BORN come to be the illuminators, the awakeners, the light-bringers, and those who come to find alignment with self and to navigate often through parallel worlds and multiple crowds of people.
10. Name: Joe Biden
Born: Wednesday, November 20, 1942 @ 8:30 AM
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Destiny Cards: King of Hearts and 4 of Clubs/4 of Spades
Year Born: 1942 (1 + 9 + 4 + 2) = 16/7 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a SEVEN YEAR are immensely unique, are capable of immense depth, investigation and analysis, and while they crave substantial solitude on the lifepath, their spiritual evolution in and of the world is unprecedented.
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Sagittarius
Age: 77 years (the year of higher awakenings, changes, and forward movement)
Cosmic Overview: Joe Biden comes to be a bridge, the peacemaker, giver of harmonious balance, and profound wisdom. He comes with a massive heart that comes to activate universal love for humanity and to give in a way that empowers and brings others together. He comes to speak to the present and to the future. He comes to make far and wide connections, towards the empowerment of others and especially their future selves. Balance will be key on the path as he came to find his personal power in with and through multidimensional power and abundance. He comes to embolden change in with and through others and in many dimensions and directions. His pathway is one of climbing, navigating peaks valleys, evolving, and transforming through the ever-changing worlds around him. Biden’s life will always be one of unique contours and moments in and of the world for he came to transform and to activate core wisdom towards true success. Above all, he came to uplift, inspire and collectively give to the future in deeply profound, core, and even prophetic ways unseen unknown by the outside world. He is currently in a highly vibrational year of awakenings, crossroads, and profound evolution of the self in and for the world. A new stage is being set that will allow even more of his dynamism to emerge. He came to find his power, to show others to the best way forward, and most to deal with the unexpected that will only further fuel the survival, strategy, resilience, and collective uplift.
11. Name: Michael Bennet
Born: Saturday, November 28, 1964
New Delhi, India
Destiny Cards: 5 of Hearts and 7 of Clubs
Year Born: 1964 (1 + 9 + 6 + 4) = 20/2 numeric energy year
Those born in the energy of a TWO year come to learn and activate new understandings of partnership, the higher mind, emotional intelligence, cooperation and the power of words spoken.
Sun: Sagittarius
Moon: Libra
Rising: Aquarius
Age: 55 years (the year of high vibrational changes, heightened self-mastery and collective forward movement)
Cosmic Overview: Michael Bennet was born with protective energy innate to him meaning that he will care about the foundation and getting the house in order, getting firm security in place in order to move transformatively into the future. He has come to give to the future in a compassionate way that can be a high vibrational bridgepoint of expression and forward intelligent movement. Protection and foundations will matter for himself and even more those around him through the focus of compassionate energy he can and will widely share with the world. He was born to transform and to be transformed where creativity for him functions on high levels, while also the unexpected on the journey can force him to move through abrupt changes and yet know how best to effectively to communicate with the world around him. He is deeply tuned into the world, knowing how best to find balance emotionally with others, being rather good with people and having humanitarian abilities of connection that can extend far into the future. Innovation is central to his being, and he came to activate his destiny and to do so with and through the empowerment of others, to be the connector, the compassionate one, and smart mind. In the current year, Bennet is at the place of absolute high levels of change that can and will take not only himself but those around him into a fast-moving future. Through it, wheels will turn towards a new stage that can prove to be a bridge and connector to and with others on a global level. Moreover, he is the change bringer, truth-teller, and multifaceted mind that can see through completion for a future inclusive of many from diverse circles and ways of life.
Compiled and Decoded By — — TheCosmicDoc
***Cosmic Empowerment Books:***
Numerology 101: Everyday Numbers, Decode the Vibration
Numerology 102: Birthdays, Lifepaths, and the Personal Years