The All White Awakening Thing is Outdated, Lame & Quite Racist
Race and the evolution of the awakening movement might be the most unspoken about this century.
And for good reason with some.
I mean who wants to reveal that they maintain a racial hierarchal order that routinely excludes people of color for the sake of healing and universal more.
Who wants to talk about the fact that for at least the past decade in one city alone the leaders, the shamans, the teachers, the healers, the movers, shakers, and anyone worth talking about let alone paying for any services, seem to always be white.
From yoga classes to festivals, to concerts, to retreats, healing/drum circles, the crowds are beyond white and many have been and actively seem to be more than ok with it.
If they weren’t then the all-white lineups would not continue to persist. And diversity (yes beyond one sole person of color propped up as the token) would be fully embraced to serve as an equal authority.
I know because most times as black and female I am the only, and if I am lucky someone will see value to invite me, and only in rare occasions am I or others of color invited beyond the audience to maybe offer services, share gifts or anything cosmically more.
We serve best for some only in the audience and are capable of no more.
The way it is, in fact, matches much of the 20th century, contrary to historical beliefs, that maintained the mainly and truly all white awakening foci for so long that most still scratch their head trying to conjure in their minds even one healer, psychic, medium, let alone channeler of color. Some will even giggle if you dare ask as if it’s a joke.
At first, I thought it was a millennial thing and yet it is not. All I have to do is look back across the 20th century and dig and dig and dig and audiences, the teachers, the divinely gifted, the chosen, the healing powerful are ALL white — all over youtube, all over spirit channels and so much sadly more.
To keep it as such, even in 2019, what does that say to the past, the present and or any kind of inclusive future?
It’s an absolute insult because work is not being done, and in all honesty, demands are not being made to do better. Because hey, who really cares, and as one person told me when I asked where the people of color were in their recruiting efforts for a meditation, I was sarcastically told, “oh I figured black people just went to church and were not into this sort of thing.”
Hollywood and the scripted paranormal/spiritual world does not help. Just run a search on psychics, mediums, channelers, and teachers and you will think you saw a blur of someone of color in the audience.
But alas white white white.
Every single person in the paranormal world is white and predominately male, thus saying and racially affirming over and over and over, that only white people are capable of discussing the psychic cosmic core. That white people have full power to interrupt the living and dead over all others.
Don’t even get me started on the movies either that people try to quote to make me feel any better, it only makes me feel worse in fact because they are not only outdated (Ghost, really that’s all you got? Even Eve’s Bayou had multiple black people with gifts). But no real effort is made, the latest we get is being able to read someone’s mind which feels like a remake of some Mel Gibson movie I won’t bother to remember the name of.
In short, people of color are not capable, not wanted, and you are lucky if a featured ghost story may feature some beloved black butler, maid or old enslaved person a white family decided 200 years later is now worthy of discussing for tv ratings. I still feel sorry for the millions of other black ghosts continually overlooked.
Many will not like my outing this, but I fight a racial battle in another world to prove that black people are good writers, capable of a Ph.D., a platform, and more than equal treatment as intellectuals.
So it is a living insult further to never see people like me at all ever represented. I cried one night clamoring through videos and websites looking for more. Feeling like a cosmic joke that the past and present would never dare see me as more than a blur against the back wall to crowd a room.
Most just tell me to get over it, because no one cares about my gifts or others like me. But then what?
In the healing, the awakening, the millennial new age world of now, old racial habits persist that new lineups are already happening all around me and across this country, more often than not to the exclusion of any and most often all people of color. Not just black, but Latino, Native American, and colorfully soooooo much more.
We are not there and damn well not invited beyond being help in numbers.
I put on events and have had to for several years lowkey because I and others like me have been racially removed. Or really were never racially allowed there.
In one instance, as I wrote recently about a popular local psychic and metaphysical event, one of the event planners did everything in their powers to racial check me throughout my first very racial medium platform experience, even ending the event offering a joke for all to hear, wishing he could shove a tube of socks down my throat to silence me. Dare I ever forget how a white person would remind me of my place like that series of ways shown rather boldly.
In another instance, I booked a healing lounge for a weekend local event happening. I had psychics, healers/masseuses of color, and booked three djs for a party three months ahead, only for the event planner to write the week before to ask me to ask my folks to switch to another day, and then followed up by telling me they didn’t need my healing lounge because they had their own lounge and healers (all white) and oh would I be ok being put in a corner they could possibly kindly make for me. Needless to say I pulled out and have not a damn interest in that or events by them at all.
In another instance I was set to play at a musical event, a family member got really sick and I had to pull out. And instead of having compassion this so-called partner in the musical healing not only went off via text but over the next month this person then spread a rumor throughout the new age community defaming my character and going further to get me booted from another event because I didn’t seem to operate to the beat that they demanded.
Race is terribly real in the awakening community that is not woke at all.
Being of color and deeply in tune we always seem to be cast and told in my case, and all the time, that I am too passionate, too loud, am just different.
I have read and seen more than the average cosmically, but in some eyes, because I have not sat at the foot of some South Asian guru, I can’t know anything more than my name. (someone really did tell me that!)
It’s all hurtful, lame, outdated, and oh so racist. Racist most because it is anchored on power not just believed but racially activated for and of one group to define all that cosmically is — in life, healing, and beyond death.
I am not sure how long it will persist but I will start and loudly demand better from more because the world is not made up only of all white healers psychics and more.
I kept quiet for a long time just watching it continue unbothered by a great many while asking along the way when we will racially do better.
I don’t know if or when things will change but demands must be made for more. Equality and collective appreciation of all gifted must be implemented because there is no all-white anything outside of this planet — no all-white heaven, hell or whatever you believe. It’s humanly made up to perpetuate and maintain racial power in certain hands as it current is.
I write about and am regularly visited by the so-called dead of many races, but when I write to lend my incredibly rare talents that happened to be from a black female psychic medium, award-winning author and so much more, some places, some centers, some healers couldn’t even bother to write back. I am sure because some see it as a call out, some see it as racially troubling the waters, and others well they leave it simply at the ongoing belief that there are no gifted ones of color worth bothering to find let alone respect.
Never stay stuck in racial preferences in order to satisfy your awakening desires of one group only!
It denies everything happening around us all, this collective moment of awakening with a great many including and more than just white people.
Most of all, dare I remind us, it is a slap in the face to the future that while humans for many centuries kept that same hierarchy ruling and racially defining people of color as less than worthy or somehow stuck in voodoo and incapable, the future thankfully continues to give to the past through me and millions of others that were born connected and who are of color and deserve to be sought out, deserve to be actively and intentionally offered chances in the evolutionary healing of the mind, the body, and the spirit of all.
Anything else, well it racially reserves a certain order, a preference of people, and a way of doing things that remains outdated and yes racially disgusting.
Until then I will hold circles (healing, psychic medium, reiki, and so so much more) for the rainbow tribe of the future that always was and yes who deserve to be invited, included, invoked, and lovingly appreciated.
Going currently, the future will stay forever white to the exclusion of others of color.
Do better, ask for more and more and more.
To not is to say its racially ok as it is, exclusive for the sake of continuity and perhaps racial comfort.
Just know and consider too that that one person of color just may be your best bet to connect with more than you can ever imagine when you look beyond the sole and quite active prism of upholding awakening as white only.
All the shamans, psychics, healers, mediums, and more can’t be nor were they ever all white, the living just are more comfortable with aspects of some stories and overlooking many others that globally connects us to way more.
As this century unfolds further no matter the human racial ways, you can however soon fully count on the fact that the multiverses will channel through a growing collective more still unrepresented and overlooked and unseen on or off the Hollywood screen wherein within the near future racially avoiding can no longer work with success.
Just watch the coming future, because it is here.
I shall be racially silent no more on what is wrong and must be upgraded among the awakened, awakening, unawakened, and the no where woke at all if most for the rainbow future!
See my value and the value of more people of color. Because we are all more than worthy of being in your audience; share the damn stage!
Always & Ever In Truth,