The Ouija Board Opened the Portals to the Spirit World For Me
In the year 2000, my life changed! And drastically.
I venture to say it was the summer after graduating undergraduate, but in truth, it was the last semester of my senior year that I would give it to most.
That year my friends and I decided to play with an ouija board when none of us had much to do but wait really on the future to arrive.
My roommate and I, we may have even been the ones to buy the damn thing because I have a recollection of even buying it some random late night at either Kmart or Walmart (I forget) the town was quite small with hardly any stores at that point at the turn of the century.
I am not sure how or when but we organized an ouija board party and it was packed with friends interesting and eager. But knowing me it was me who gathered everyone. None of us, so young and naive, really knew what to expect and I suppose being together we figured whatever would happen we would be together to bear witness and also to, quite laughable looking back now, protect one another.
The most remarkable thing beyond how ready that board was for it seemed anyone to make contact, was the target; both myself and my roommate.
Maybe because we bought it or maybe because we were playing it on the cardboard dining room table in our makeshift living room/dining room of our apartment. Either way, according to the spirits that seemed to come through, two said they were connected to us and were, as they told us, our grandmothers.
We both were curious while likewise unsettled on hearing who was coming through because the real question was, then what?
I barely remember much else about the board except that some woman who claimed to be my grandmother referred to herself as Zamoy/Zamoya. My great-grandmother that I assumed it to be (because all my grandmothers were living still at the time) her name was far from that. So I was quite skeptical, but I kept playing.
That night and then perhaps a couple of other ouija board nights happened, but by the end, everyone grew tired or rather bored because it seemed over and over the spirit(s) went most of the time to me as well as my roommate’s way.
Not much else seemed remarkable. For the moment, that is.
Until one night after a long night of researching and writing for my senior thesis my roommate when I called to check in, she was frantic telling me that something or someone was in my bedroom sounding like a tornado, kicking up papers and things sounding like they were getting overturned.
Even remembering now still shakes me up if really because of her voice and her emphasizing that I should probably get home soon because as she said, it may have been someone in my room a spirit of some sort looking for something.
I hesitated when I first hung up.
But then I flew driving up the street to our apartment, bracing myself for a total mess when I walked in my room. I was also certainly scared some spirit may snatch me up by the neck grab me in the room like in Poltergeist III when the little girl is choked through the mirror and shaken around.
But, thankfully none of that happened.
In fact, when I opened the bedroom door, nothing was really even out of place. It was far more orderly than I was known to be sometimes as I remember.
I thought my roommate was crazy. Even she came peeking around the corner expecting some crazy horror, but nothing.
Of course, I could not sleep almost projecting some idea of a spirit in the room with me, and looking back I bet my room was full of them.
But, I don’t remember all that much from the rest of that night or really that last part of my semester in college through graduation in May of 2000.
However, what I did not and could not even fathom at the time was that things relative to the spirit world were just getting started and that that ouija board was the direct portal.
Not only did I begin to have strange paranormal occurrences around my mom’s house once I moved back home that summer, but everyone agreed that the board needed to go with me back to Atlanta because they felt it was my board with all the direct spirit interest in me.
The very last time I played with that board, it unexpectedly opened me even further bringing me closer to spirit than I would have really been able to think that I could really handle.
Because in truth, as the year 2000 progressed on it opened it up far more than the average person would care to experience let alone admit.
One Friday night after graduation I remember sitting on the floor with a friend and the ouija board. I can’t remember if I was fully focused or not, but with both hands on the cursor, she did something that I would never ever suggest another friend do. But of course, in hindsight, it was all fun and games, until I pounced on top of her.
In what seemed a mere second of time, she spoke out saying, “if someone is here then lift one of my friend’s braids” (my hair was in microbraids at the time) and before I fully realized what it was that she had actually said, several strains of my hair had been lifted higher than both of our seated height on the floor, and immediately I lept on top of my friend. While crying so loud, screaming at her, “why did you do that” over and over and over and over it seemed.
Minutes later, after apologies and what seemed endless tears came to some sort of end, I called my boyfriend to get the board and to burn it and never tell me where the ashes were left.
I had heard that that was the best and permanent way to rid the spirits and the board which would haunt me if not.
Yet, that was truly the baby beginning of it all.
Looking back nineteen years later, what a child I was to myself and the spirit world that I could never imagine was coming or actually waiting in full force.
That summer clairvoyant occurrences became frequent, yet interestingly only at my boyfriend’s house — and likely because I was there most of the time.
I would wake up many times and see fogged lip formations on the mirror of my boyfriends room at his house.
Then one day, what I thought was the ultimate freakout was when I woke up to someone kissing me on my lips, and my eyes popped open but no one was there. So I rolled over and called my boyfriend, assuming I moved to slow and he was just leaving.
Only to hear him answer the phone — at work. So of course, I inquired, “I must have just missed you. How long ago did you leave?”
Somewhere close to an hour ago I think he had said, only for me to freak out realizing that spirits do come out, but not just at night.
I barely remember if I even told him what happened or not, but as you or any can imagine I was on absolute high alert after that making sure then on if and when he left me for work that he had to wake me before doing so.
Then by July that year I barely remember how it all happened, but one night my boyfriend and I were sitting in his room sharing aspects of our life. Candles were going and we just sat talking.
He had barely just told me more details about his parents dying years earlier, when causally he said, “My mom is here and wants to meet you.” I remember I was sitting on the edge of the bed and I sarcastically remarked, “Oh really?” Halfway believing him. And I said “Well alright, let’s go” I guess thinking for some reason it would be a distant hello or something far off in the room.
Until that is, she sat down on the bed. And the comforter moved and I saw an impression of a body actively sitting on the bed next to me, and it reached out and touched my hand.
Once again, utterly terrified that I had consented to what I did not want to believe in nor really want in actual direct spirit contact, I freaked out and leaped on my boyfriend and told demanded that she go away, please I remember yelling, right now!” While saying as a sort of security to myself, “No this is not real” and I kept saying it over and over.
I halfway remember a distant whimper I guess as his mother obliged and left, and she never came back at least in a recognizable way from that point on.
In fact, I think a lot of direct spirit connection stopped really that summer. Until that is, the next year in 2001 when my life turned upside down again with even more contact with the spirit realm as well as what would become constant downloads that would eventually lead to my future award-winning book 15 years later.
But, those are other so-called ghost stories for another day. This is already long enough and I can’t believe how the portals barely opened then and my contact with the spirit world was so drastic just in 2000.