What is A Past Life Regression?

7 min readSep 25, 2017


Photo Credit: Matheus Ferrero

My therapist told me one afternoon, you need to find out who you are

Strange, I am sure, hearing that from someone in that particular profession. He followed up by giving me a local woman’s number and told me to call her.

I did.

And I set up a past life regression.

But just what is a past life regression?

With all the new age buzzy words of awakening, spiritual, healing, crystals, angels, love, past lives, ascended masters, oneness, etc…every so often you may also hear a concept infamously known and long practiced called a past life regression.

And you will continue to hear more as others experience past lives.

In short, a past life regression is a meditation led by a healer/regression practitioner/facilitator well versed on methods necessary to enable relaxing and getting you to tap into your own past life memories beyond your present life.

We heal ourselves most when we see, remember, and let go.

Far from delusional as many would tell after hearing, my life was beginning to gain deeper explanation more concretely in a 2-hour session that only I could experience and fully gain dimensional awareness.

6 years later, in hindsight, getting a past life regression was the best thing I could have ever done and the door opener to the multiworlds for me.

You have to be courageous to do so; I will warn! If merely because you do not know what life you led that you will experience again — albeit vibrationally by sight, sound, feeling, etc. Even more, not all former lives were pretty or regal in the past.

If you can’t handle yourself then leave it alone. If you are going to distrust the process, don’t even bother.

Spirit always guides us to what we need, and that day I was thrown in cosmically deep whereafter my life changed and continues to change in a host of ways.

I set up a 2 hour session and met with this local spiritual adviser who came highly advised.

I like things that actually work and I only go to or recommend healing methods, healers, etc based on results that bring tangible experiences.

I went to the woman’s house, and once in I shared some preliminary demographics about myself and my interest in the session, which was simply giving it a try. Not too much more beyond that. She then asked the magic question:

Do you want me to go in and see what stands out or do you want to go in yourself?

I am a Moon in Aries so that means I am far from unafraid of new experiences, nor do I want someone else telling me about myself when I am equally as capable. — — Bold ass, I know!

I responded and asked, “What do other people normally do?”

To which she responded, “Most quite honestly go through me!”

I said “I will do it myself, just show me.”

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

She led me to a recliner in her living room and I sat down, laid back put my feet up and let go. She led me through a peaceful guided meditation that helped me to easily and rather quickly tap in as my consciousness seemed to drift through unknown dimensions of time and space. I felt very much awake but vibrationally I dove deep down into myself...into my own faraway past that came before this present life.

I was led through the meditation to a childhood home that came to mind and I walked down the hallway, into my former room, and in that room was a closet I once knew where this woman explained that some clothes or perhaps even merely one outfit representing any of my past lives would emerge for me to choose in order to access a particular life that I needed to see.

There was only one outfit in the closet.

On touching it, almost immediately, in mere seconds I was wearing it. I had an in out of body experience where I saw it on me, seeing and feeling my body stretch to fit this past life, my height changed, my complexion, my hair, etc…

In so doing, I fell back into time…spiraling through vibrations and essentially falling into a former life of slavery. I felt my consciousness move through the ceiling of a cabin and into a woman that was me, already there, standing in the kitchen at a stove cooking while a young boy ran around a table in a wooden cabin.

I bore witness to more than myself. But also of many around me in this bonded life. I recognized a couple names and even a house that ever since a child I would dream about, but could never discern if it was from a book, my imagination, or an actual memory.

I stood before this very house, a plantation, moved around it in the regression. The same i’d seen in mere flashes as a child….never knowing the future truth.

When you fall back into a past life, it's immersive because you can see that life as an outside reviewer, but there is no holiday guide or past lover leading you in your own movie to the past. Yet instead a full body immersion through the mind.

I saw my son, my husband from a former life, a sister, and a community of enslaved people in what seemed a southern plantation where murder & scandal had happened mere moments after my fall back.

I dropped into that life and saw moments after a sequence of events of a bondwoman murdered by her/our owner with amazing uncanny details emerged connected to discovery of the body, the rage of jealousy and deadly violence held over a person who stepped outside social order.

We flashed forward in that life, and i saw that I was a clairvoyant healer for many across racial lines who came to see me. Going further on, I likewise felt and saw others gathered around me prior to my dying as a then elderly woman in a cabin.

I saw the multi colored quilt laying over me, seeing the outside light through a window across the room that I could see out of, and I explained to my regression facilitator about conversations I was having (it felt in real time) with those around me — my son, a preacher, friends in the community, etc — and then as I died, I felt my body drift gently out of that body, moving as energy back up and through a ceiling and moving back up to higher consciousness within the universe.

I tried to make sense of what I personally saw and invariably would never be the same because of as I reflected back on the deeper meaning of a whole other world and most of all, moment in time centuries back.

The regression therapist told me that my session may have been one of the most vividly detailed she ever heard a client go in and pull out. I still left almost unbelieving much of it, but as the days ahead revealed, much more became unlocked.

Photo by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash

Days after I stood between worlds. Attempting to process what I saw, felt, did not know, and even more who was I in this life that never seemed to leave me.

Even more, through the session I had also discovered the very man who came to me in this life but in spirit form from time to time. Never knowing this was someone that I once knew, loved, and bore a child with in another lifetime.

In this life, he was a stranger however forgotten as a ironic part of the soul contract.

Prior and during some major trauma in my life several years ago this man — my husband from a former life — was the same that I saw and connected within my past life regression.

As a clairvoyant/clairaudient, medium, etc, on many occasions I could hear him walk around the room, feel him breathing on my neck as he held me as I slept, and I could also feel the love he exuded my way in hopes of calming me through the emerging storms in my own personal life.

Without this session, the pieces would have stayed separate.

I would have in short been continually disconnected from another reality: my own past and life. Afterward, I only told those familiar with my abilities vastly reemerging. For six months I awakened to more of myself after this session and this man and former husband from centuries ago as he continued to make his presence known.

A past life regression is different from a past life reading or a past life clearing. To regress is to go back and vibrationally see and experience a past life. Or of course relying on someone else to see and transmit your past to you. To have a past life reading is not a personal immersion, it instead is having someone read from your akashic records telling you of this life, and to have a past life clearing is again to have someone else tap into your past life and clear what they deem unnecessary in your present life.

I share and offer my story of a past life regression because it is real, it is rare, and it offers more beyond technical language that tells you little of what a regression actually is. I share most to empower others on the utility of what is a way to awaken to you, to experience your own simulation sponsored by your consciousness, your remembrance, the universe, and your personal akashic records in action as you tap the myriad of many many many past lives some of us have once lived through.

May the doorways ahead open to you on your path of soul memory!

Be Light, Be Love, and Always Be You!


email: thecosmicdoc@gmail.com




Written by TheCosmicDoc

Black Female Psychic Spirit Medium, Astrologer, Empath, Reiki Master, Author of Books Numerology101; Numerology102; Symbology101; email: thecosmicdoc@gmail.com

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