Where Trump Is In His Destiny Cards
This Current Energy Has Been Ongoing Since Late September 2020
Birthday: June 14, 1946
Birth Card: 3 of Diamonds
Planetary Rising Card: Ace of Spades
Birthdays can lend deeper insight into more than sometimes complicated astrological charts.
All birthdays from Jan 1st through December 31st fall within a certain card in the deck of playing cards that connects with an ancient mystic system (known by many as destiny cards) that can truly reveal the soul self.
This system can highlight much about a person’s evolution, while also pointing to ongoing changes — in real time — that are happening in our lives.
No matter the secrets we may try to hold close on the pathway, everyone with a birthday is decodable; including Donald Trump.
Born on June 14th, Trump is has a birth card of 3 of Diamonds with an Ace of Spades planetary rising card.
Every year on our birthday we move through eight phases of cosmic expansion that in spanning 52 days each, allows us to experience a new year of evolution different from the previous.
At age 74, until his next birthday, the central points of Trump’s current year of his life will correlate with things things said and or done in the past that are coming back forcing a new crossroads, transformation, surrender, reclusiveness, ending of the old, as well walking through new worlds that may seem parallel but one where illumination happens on all sides of life — internally and externally within one’s personal life/world.
This year the long range energy is pointing all throughout towards major endings, changes in the way forward, shift of power/networks and alliances, as well as the cosmos granting new doorways for him to strive for peace and balance in his personal relationships with others, or risk tipping the scales towards global imbalance and disruption.
Over the past two months, Donald Trump has been centrally in his MARS period which points to drive, courage, impulsivity, aggression, and activating fire. This phase began for him 9/26 (September 26th) and will last through until 11/16 (November 16th).
The variance of themes that have manifested are even more revealing given that the current phase has been about information, opening of new doorways, and acting on new routes of communication that can be multitiered and even far reaching.
Trump entered this most recent phase confronted with the coming of transformations, turning points that hit deep at the core, as well as managing changes at the heart level as he tried to keep his foundation and thus maintain the love of his base. Through the past 52 days he has continuously sought to be the master of information and therefore maintain his kingdom of a great many in different and even unexpected places. The tests have persisted in finding stability among those that love him, across the nation, and the global. Therefore his aggressive pursuit of social popularity has been no doubt relentless as he has sought to stay rooted within the home of the heart in others, while also getting the house of self in order which Mars period always powerfully activates.
Current Phase (Mars): Donald Trump Destiny Cards
4 of Hearts/7 of Clubs
He stands at the most profound crossroads, and transformation that not only runs deep but it has prompted a surrender while he tries to continue to appeal and elctrifiy his base amid hearing an onslaught of ideas counter to his vision. He is being challenged to let go of mental attitudes that can keep one trapped in lower levels of thought. This phase is likewise about Trump elevating his thinking through what is a low point of defeat. This energy has strong influence for arguments, worry, pessimism, as well as relationships with other men proving to be extremely difficult. Opposition to plans can and have elicited deep anger and negativity within. Here he is being encouraged to take full responsibility for what has transpired and what will soon end.
King of Clubs/4 of Hearts
Points to a place where mastery of the mind, applying knowledge and wisdom, as well as attempting to maintain a kingdom through information as well as influencing how others see him and the legacy forged.
Ace of Clubs/Ace of Diamonds
All in all this period is about the shift to newness, the endless quest for information while doors likewise doors open for him to begin a new mental occupation. This current place on the destined path also points to the need for emotional intelligence all the while feeling the need to gain specific information for legal related things. His current destiny cards overall point to the rise of aggressive and passionate pursuit of knowledge as well as representing the beginning of new job while the cards warn above all that he not bend attempt to alter the rules without great consequences.
Written by, TheCosmicDoc (email: thecosmicdoc@gmail.com)