You Are the Letters in Your Life!
It’s All in the Symbols
Knowing about the vibration of the letters in your life can inform you about yourself and the world around you.
Every letter holds a vibration that is not only decodable but explains why you and we all act the way we do.
When you were born a particular combination of vibrations was unleashed once a set of letters of combined and activated through thought and continued use. You and we all were given one of the greatest gifts that carries into the future through your name.
Naming and thus the giving of a name to a child is one of the powerful processes that has influence on the present future and past all at once; until the name and the person is no longer remembered and or their name ever uttered again.
Each letter and all those within a name or word activates a vibration that emerges. Each one of us lives in the letters in our life (our name, our home address, our work address, and letter wise so much more than understood by many)
Every soul comes with great purpose and most for evolution on the living, loving, and learning path. As such each soul is given a name, a vibration that will assist in the direct evolution from the point of birth through so called death.
All letters have equal power, no letter is more powerful than the other. Instead each letter projects a certain vibration that emanates in our daily living and interacting; whether near or far.
The symbology of letters and the inherent vibrational power remains largely untapped by the everyday person. To know is to be informed and the greatest point of self knowledge to get the soul core is to know who you vibrationally are and why you are here based on the letters of your name.
All letters turn, bend and move in varying directions that parallel the lifepath and the soul’s evolution.
The first letter of the first middle and the last each hold strongest power as core frame, however every letter shows the contours on the path and why you are the way you are.
A lettered people come to innovate, to set fire to a new world, while also and ever learning through the tests of the need for balance and the power of slowing the vibration to breathe.
B lettered they hold secrets and internal thoughts that move in a multitude of directions the outside world may never really know however they nurture those they care and even more they come to give birth to new ideas projects that amplify our everyday living.
C lettered without a doubt come to show the world much, but they also come to be shown a great much through the cycles of life. Some are open and very expressive yet while symbolically shaped like a moon some C’s can also have contours that make them loners ever thoughtful on the future still yet to come.
D lettered are very interior. They are the deep thinkers, learners, and they also hold the key to doorways of multidimensional kinds. While open to the learning, the sensitivity of vibrations they carry (often of deep psychic abilities) the interiority of their soul will always be a point of deep introspection about where and how they are evolving on the lifepath.
E lettered people come to give and to express themselves and their creativity on extremely high levels. They can be here there and everywhere given the many and multiple nature inherent within them. In giving they too must come to understand balance in the universal exchange lest they find the imbalances of life weighing heavy on their mind and their emotions.
F lettered people often are frank, direct, and clear in what they want on the path. Symbolically they face forward and they go deep in the thinking, the living, and even the expectations they project in their daily living. Family and roots will always be a central point in their life of living and learning.
G lettered are akin to c lettered in the curiosity on the world. They are the givers, the gurus, the ones who gather others to yearn to learn from their core of often sage wisdom that they display. Some are hooked a little different even being emotionally hard to predict given the depth of interior reflection they often tread upon.
H lettered they come to clim, to see and to navigate between multiple worlds. Unique to them however is that as they climb so too will they lift. To not will invite harder lessons on the path of equality and the pathway to ascension of the higher mind. They are the hardwires who possessing of incredible strength are always tested on their self and place of alignment.
I lettered come to be the active rods connected to the universe and the material realms in high vibrational form. Throughout the path empathic sensitivities while their ears their mind and their hearts are in tune with the world around them as they find ways to activate their greatest purpose. They are the anchors between worlds and multiverses.
J lettered are the creative light, charm, and joy bringers. Going back and forth, thus indecision can arise in some as well as high levels of psychic abilities that make the world often louder for them than others. They come to experience much, being past life hooked great abilities have been born with them including having often an incredible memory to the past and past things.
K lettered they come to find their alignment, their personal place and they come do so through incredibly loud and unforgettable ways. While part of the path may come with others view of them gossip, the universal point is to arise above with higher strength and clarity in self. Even more their greatest point on the path is what they give outwardly to the world and even more to the future. This is where the bold legacies are forged all the time.
L lettered have come to find themselves through the heart more than almost any other letter. They are the bridgepoint the one who can bring together the worlds and or be the detonator of division. Their feelings, their passions runs deep.
M lettered people are here to manage the multidimensional of living as well as navigate often profound peaks and valleys to get to their victorious center. As well as to become the master of many things. Most of all they come to get the house of self in order amid the life evolution.
N lettered come to navigate many realms. Thy come to climb and within their everyday is also a sharp edge that can and will cut but also could prove to they lightning bolts to a higher living. They often navigate greater peaks and valleys moving in between different worlds and people.
O lettered people have come to learn most through their core center. They come to see through many worlds, to learn through changes, movement, and the every moving wheel of karma that can catchup. Most O’s are deeply wise and hold psychic abilities that allow them to see and more easily access the divine truth of things and or people.
P lettered go deep in the livings, the learning and the giving to the present and to the future. These are the deepest thinkers, the ones where many ideas can and will turn over in the mind allowing access to a deeper dig in living and the work. Even more family and roots will always flow deep. They see through the keyholes of higher complexities.
Q lettered people are uniquely hooked with many talents that lie at the core and emend out in unexpected ways. They come to tap and to show their core. Among many are the highly prophetic who in their living always know an alternate way to the essence of truth.
R lettered people are and have come to activate and therefore transform through the fires of live and all of its lessons. They are the ones who can get tied in the living and management of th everyday yet they are deeply in tune universally while also managing many within the household or many people in their close life. They possess incredible minds that can move between multiworlds both high and low.
S lettered people come to transform on the highest level given how symbolically they are faced in both and multitudes of directions. How they start on the path is now they they will finish meaning that the path of living will require through the lessons on access higher consciousness and rise of wisdom. Many are old souls navigating the endless changes.
T lettered have to come understand the deeper meaning of truth in the living. Their ears are open to both sides of living and yet internally their evolution will about their place in the world and how deep the living cuts to the strength of their self and the evolution, The internal mind will endure many conversations and turning points uncommon to other letters.
U lettered are the universal receptors to the world. They are feelers and also those whose emotions can and will spill over into the world. They are also often of empathic abilities given their symbolically open vibrational life that comes with highs and challenges on how to find balance. Emotions will always matter in the evolution.
V lettered people are extremely intelligent, have great memory, and they often navigate the hardships of life, the peaks and valley with victory unseen with others. They are the great givers to the world, the masters among us who come to living and find proper balance between the multiworlds.They come to bring a brighter future to us all.
W lettered signify the eye of humans that sees light and the ear that hears the sound of air and wind. They have unique inner wisdom that they are not afraid of showing and activating, ever. The wheels for them must always move forward turning toward something. As high vibrations, they are very active, strong, and responsive in the living.
X lettered represent wisdom, magnetic personality, they are here very much to learn most about love and family. X’s very much stand strong on the earth plane and thus remain symbolically open to materialism; arms outstretched in multidirections. Therefore x’s can be all spiritual all material, high-minded or abused and fearful.
Y lettered people have a deep desire to learn the mystical and mysteries of life. They are shaped like a divining rod, that draws the person deeper to the study of esoteric, spiritual, cosmic consciousness. There may be psychic experiences and or a true search for wisdom for some.
Z lettered people’s lives resemble lightning vibration moving in both directions forward browed in the mind, are bottom ever on the move which speaks towards vital equal energy. The middle vertical line goes straight from the physical to the spiritual a direct line that which is equal to supplying energy, ideas, and inspiration. Z lettered most times have acute insight to the spiritual world and can serve as an able leader able to inspire others especially spiritually For z’s are ever on the awakening path.
We are all vibrationally influenced and ever shaped by the symbology of not just one, but all the lettters in our life. Be empowered most on the path!