You Are Your Number(s)!
Numbers make the world go round!
As well as the dimensions and beyond.
However, hidden within plain sight are the vibrational meaning of numbers that foretell the world around us and the coming future.
We all have a favorite number!?! Maybe, maybe not!
And we all were born with numbers literally in our lives, thus our born day.
What many do not realize is that you are your numbers, you are your numeric born day!
You are also your born month and your born year!
Foreign I am sure to understand, but it is true, we are and thus reflect and fully embody the vibrations that we were born into.
Meaning that in being born, coming through the portal of entry into this realm of existence you reflect the vibrations ongoing in the planet when you came here at that precise moment.
And all of it has meaning for your present, past, and your future.
It’s a part of who you are and why you came. As well as why you have specific life tests that you will always confront at different points on the life path.
So if you want to learn your numeric self, study the numbers.
Seeing the number sequences matters! Hooray!
Yea ok, but what meaning does it have in your life to help you know the path of a deeper self better? What is the core number and what does it/they mean?
Look at the numbers in the month you were born
Look at the numbers in the day you were born
Look at the numbers in the year you were born
They all have meaning, and vibrational experiences, tendencies, and lessons.
The gifted decoders can see and make symbolic meaning of these patterns.
Every number has a deeper meaning that you were likely never taught to know.
And you should, and it will matter more in the future.
Take Steve Jobs for example(I have a fascination with his life! Who wouldn’t?)
Born: 2/24/1955
His life was framed by 1, 9, and a double 5 vibration (which all has meaning).
His mind was driven by a 2 most (which carries its own vibration)
His inner core and everyday emotional experiences/tests came with 2 and 4.
His soul core lies most with a 6 (the lessons lived/learned from adding 2 + 4)
His death day of numbers matters too! — Way more than many realize numerically. Because when you see the full day of his death — October 5, 2011 thus 10–5–2011 — through the numbers, then you see that not only was it supposed to happen, but even more that day was the day the portal would connect and be open to, with, and through the hearts of many.
How I know is not really hard — — when you add the numbers of the date of his passing on (10 + 5 + 2011) to the closest single digit, it adds to a 10. A 10 is more than a 1, in fact far greater! It symbolically is the self standing next to a cosmic mirror between worlds, and most of all the number 10 vibrationally is about the many, multitudes, so massive that it is basically immeasurable.
He died in the 10th month, and in the year of crossroads between life and death, which 2011 that year was the cosmic crossroads for many and globally all, with the number 4 the final added resulting number. 4 is a doorway deepest between portals of death.
The numbers they reveal that everything is apart of the divine cosmic plan!
May you find your number(s), and the path to know your cosmic self most.
Channeled by TheCosmicDoc,
Numerology 101, when you want to know more of yourself, is the only book out there this century that goes beyond numeric sequences to show the vibrational tendencies of the numbers 0–12. I wrote it, with more coming!